Eric Strole
University of Phoenix
Wendy Schmidt
Aug 10, 2013
Cancer is one of the most catastrophic and debilitating diseases known to mankind. There have been many types of cancer that have been discovered over the years. Most people that have had cancer undergo chemotherapy, radiation, or both. Leukemia is one of the most feared types of cancer. “Leukemia is cancer of the blood or bone marrow. It is classified by an abnormal increased amount of white blood cells. Leukemia is an extended term covering a series of diseases; leukemia is subdivided into a variety of large groups.” (2013) Retrieved July 2013 from ( In this paper you will found out …show more content…
Most cases are defined by a “blast “, blasts are immature blood cells that divide frequently. Since acute cells don’t stop dividing like their normal counterparts, they cause crowding. Crowding happens quickly and it prohibits the bone marrow from producing healthy blood cells, once the bone marrow stops producing immediate treatment is required. Without treatment acute leukemia cells will overflow into the bloodstream and spill onto other organs of the body, because of the rapid progression. Adolescents and young adults are more likely to be diagnosed with acute types of …show more content…
When the brain is affected, they could have seizures, vomiting, confusion, headaches, or loss of muscle control. This type of leukemia also can disturb other bodily origins such as the digestive tract, kidneys, lungs, heart, or testes. Other signs and symptoms of acute leukemia may include; bleeding gums, bone pain, fever, night sweats, weight loss, excess bruising, frequent infections, or severe nosebleeds, lumps and swollen lymph nodes in or around the neck, abdomen or groin, shortness of breath, pale skin, fatigue/weakness or decreased energy level. Many symptoms and signs of acute leukemia are those of the flu. However, the flu like symptoms will improve but acute leukemia symptoms get worse very fast and make you feel sick right away. Certain signs and symptoms might indicate that someone may have acute leukemia, or if results from a physical exam suggest leukemia. A doctor will need to check both blood and bone marrow cell samples to be sure of the diagnosis. Other cell and tissue samples may also be taken in order to help guide treatment. The most common blood work you will have done during treatment is called a complete blood count, or CBC. Blood is made up of nutrients, proteins, water, and living cells. A complete blood count lets your doctor know about the cells in your blood. A CBC measures the 3 basic types of blood cells: white and red blood along with a platelet