Neanderthals have long thought to be lesser than modern humans in many ways, such as intelligence, wit, appearance, and ways of life; however, this is not entirely the case. The first Neanderthal discovered was in the Neander Valley of Germany, where part of a skull and limb bones were present (“Neanderthals | Evolution | Earth Facts,” n.d.). Although this is not the oldest Neanderthal skeleton ever found, it was the first and it led to the discovery and understanding of a whole new species. This species was known to us as Homo sapien neanderthalensis, or for those who believe the differences to be so vast that it should be its own distinct species, Homo neanderthalensis (O’Neil, 2010). Homo (sapien) neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens lived side by side for thousands of years (O’Neil, 2010), but it is speculated that it was because of the advanced nature of Homo sapiens which allowed them to strive and eventually outlive the Neanderthals. Although the Neanderthals eventually became extinct and Homo sapiens strived, there are many similarities in both appearance and behaviour that suggest that perhaps the few differences that exist between the two were the difference that allowed for one species to prevail while the other faded out.…