Indeed, this life is unrecognizable from the best one could hope for ten millennia ago. The difference not lying as much within the change in our biology, but the change in our access to necessary resources to the point where the question isn’t if one can obtain it, but if one is utilizing it to a dangerous extent. There are many important lines used in Adam Phillips’ essay ‘In Excess’, but one above all else, to me, truly encapsulates the systemic issue of excess in our society today: “nothing makes us more excessive than excess” (6). While the accessibility to such a magnitude of unnecessary items and resources certainly does not help, one’s excess is contagious to those around them. One can spend hundreds, if not thousands, on grossly gratuitous apparel, that serves no purpose but to convey one’s excess to anyone who chances a glance. There is no shortage of ways one can show off the results of their excess. In fact, I’d wager to say it’s more difficult to find a way one is incapable of showing excess in an aspect of their life. I myself have no deficit in experiences with
Indeed, this life is unrecognizable from the best one could hope for ten millennia ago. The difference not lying as much within the change in our biology, but the change in our access to necessary resources to the point where the question isn’t if one can obtain it, but if one is utilizing it to a dangerous extent. There are many important lines used in Adam Phillips’ essay ‘In Excess’, but one above all else, to me, truly encapsulates the systemic issue of excess in our society today: “nothing makes us more excessive than excess” (6). While the accessibility to such a magnitude of unnecessary items and resources certainly does not help, one’s excess is contagious to those around them. One can spend hundreds, if not thousands, on grossly gratuitous apparel, that serves no purpose but to convey one’s excess to anyone who chances a glance. There is no shortage of ways one can show off the results of their excess. In fact, I’d wager to say it’s more difficult to find a way one is incapable of showing excess in an aspect of their life. I myself have no deficit in experiences with