Enter ‘Pixels’, this film is specifically …show more content…
I’m not exactly sure why all Sandler’s films have the same characters, especially given that there are often different writers behind them. Maybe it’s because he gets all his friends to essentially themselves in his films, and that’s why they end up feeling like there’s no variety in his films. Adam Sandler plays the same character he played in ‘Click’, ‘Grown Ups’, ‘Blended’, ‘Just Go With It’, and ‘Bedtime Stories’, the only difference being his occupation and situation. Kevin James plays his character from ‘Grown Ups’, if Lamonsoff became President of United States of America, which is unbelievable in and of itself. I can suspend my disbelief for an action sequence, granted it’s a fun action sequence, but when your film asks me to believe that Kevin James’ character - who can’t read by the way – can become President, that’s where I have to draw the line. The only people here who seem to be actually playing a character here are Josh Gad and Peter Dinklage. Gad, though not far off from his real-life persona, plays an off-the-wall conspiracy theorist who’s in love with Lady Lisa. Gad’s character is by far the best in the film, he might get on some people’s nerves with his excessively wacky antics, but he’s really the only likeable character on the docket. Dinklage plays a complete asshole, and he’s almost too good in the role. I hated his character with a fiery passion, and that’s to the credit of Dinklage’s performance. He’s found himself in an awkward place, it’s one of the few occasions in which a great performance actually ruins a character in the long