Samuel's T score on Developmental Social Disorders is 60 and has a percentile rank of 82. This T score falls in the At-Risk classification range. Samuel's father reports that Samuel has some problems concerning social skills and communication.
Adaptive Behavioral Assessment System II (second edition)_
The ABAS-II is compatible with state …show more content…
This scale has a standard deviation of three. The mean range is between 7 and 13. The Conceptual composite scale is made up of the skill areas of: Communication, Functional Academic, and Self-Direction. The Social Composite area is made up of: Social and Leisure. The Practical Composite is made up of: Community Living Health and Safety, Home Living, …show more content…
The hospitalizations were for self-harm behaviors, aggression towards personal property, panic attacks and unpredictable psychosis. The mental health concerns appeared to surface when he was in middle school. His teachers and parents felt that he needed to continue his academic in accelerated or gifted programs. Samuel felt that being challenged in these programs was unfair and would remove him from his friends. He reacted by becoming engrossed in video games. The obsession with video games leads to verbal aggression and destruction of property when he was allowed to play. His father indicated that at one point Samuel laced his mother water with anti-freeze in an attempt to make her sick enough to go into hospital. This would give him chance to play video games