School Based Assessment
Vansa Dookeran 5X
Page #
Project Title 3
Purpose of Project 3
Method of Data Collection 4
Presentation of Data 6
Analysis of Data 18
Discussion of Findings and Conclusion 31
Bibliography 33
Appendix 34
Title: To investigate the time taken to achieve knockdown of crawling insects using two different types of insecticide.
Purpose of Project :
Mr Del Rey has an infestation of the leaf cutter ant, locally known as the ‘bachac’ in his garden. He needs to get rid of them as soon as possible and wants to use an insecticide that will get the job done quickly and efficiently. This experiment seeks to help Mr Del Rey choose the more effective insecticide by comparing the time taken to kill or achieve knockdown of bachacs using two different types of insectide; a commercial spray insecticide and a powder insecticide. The insect will be declared dead (i.e. knockdown would have been achieved) when it has flipped on its side or back, laying motionless. The effectiveness of each insecticide will be determined by the average time taken to kill the bachacs; the shorter the time taken, the more effective the insecticide.
Controlled Variables:
* The shape and size of containers used : 100 8oz cylindrical Styrofoam containers were used and this served as the uniform environment for carrying out the experiment.
*The amount of insects used: A sample size of 100 insects in total will be used. 50 insects will be knocked down by the spray insecticide and the other 50, by the powdered insecticide.
*Amount of insecticide used in experiment: To ensure that the same amount of chemical is used in the spraying experiment, the insecticide will be sprayed according to manufacturer’s recommendations, for a certain time interval (eg. 2-3