Emotional factors: I learned this in-depth during my college life (a couple of years ago) when I was introduced to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs. There is a high risk for addiction for people who have not had their needs for love met. Such individual want to be needed (Belongingness) and loved, which they do not find at home and hence seek in peers. Often time, just to please their friends, (Peer Pressure) they get into drugs and/or alcohol and often time develops an addiction.
Low self-esteem: Same as the above reference this is also included in Maslow’s pyramid. An individual who have low self-confidence or low self-esteem may be searching for easy ways to feel good. Unfortunately they turn to drugs and/or alcohol which give them that “high”, which makes them feel that they are better than anyone else.
Wrong Company: In the pursuit of having an identity during adolescent an individual explores a lot of things including the group and peers they associate with. During this time he/she is also vulnerable in making “wrong” decisions.
Genetics: I learned this last week, a drug and/or alcohol abuse/addiction runs in the family, then there is a greater chance for an individual getting addicted since the chemically altered nature of the brain (gene) may be hereditary. However, it’s in your genes but it doesn’t say that it will be your destiny. I will still not accept the “it’s in my genes” excuse I believe as an individual you are still capable of making the “right” decision.