Next, most addictive behavior is not always related to physical tolerance or a response to cues. People compulsively use drugs, gamble, or whatever it is they may be addicted to, is usually in reaction to being emotionally stressed, whether or not they have physical addiction. Since these addictions are not based on drug or brain effects, they can account for why certain addicts frequently switch addictive actions from one drug to a completely different kind of drug, or even to a non-drug related behavior. The focus of addiction isn’t what matters, it’s the need to take action under certain kinds of stress. To treat this kind of addiction requires an understanding of
Next, most addictive behavior is not always related to physical tolerance or a response to cues. People compulsively use drugs, gamble, or whatever it is they may be addicted to, is usually in reaction to being emotionally stressed, whether or not they have physical addiction. Since these addictions are not based on drug or brain effects, they can account for why certain addicts frequently switch addictive actions from one drug to a completely different kind of drug, or even to a non-drug related behavior. The focus of addiction isn’t what matters, it’s the need to take action under certain kinds of stress. To treat this kind of addiction requires an understanding of