The disease I've been reading and researching about is called Addison's Disease.
Addison's Disease is an uncommon condition in which the adrenal glands, above the kidneys, don't
make enough of a hormone called cortisol, which helps regulate the body's use of a protein,
carbohydrates and fat, helps maintain blood pressure and cardiovascular function and controls
inflamation. Causes to how a person will acquire and the usual type of people to get Addison's Disease
are from diseases like HIV, cancer, surgery, radiation therapy and hereditary. Signs and Symptoms consist of those similar to a stomach virus. Signs of Addison's Disease
include low blood pressure, darkening of skin and type 1 diabetes. Symptoms of the disease usually
develop slowly but consist of muscle weakness and fatigue, weight loss and decreased appetite, salt
craving, low blood sugar, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, muscle or joint pains, irritability and
depression. A person with some of the signs and symptoms of Addison's disease will most likely not
have it but if they don't have color discoloration, low blood pressure, darkening of the skin and the urge
to have salty foods then they should consult with a doctor.
To diagnose Addison's disease your doctor will first ask you if you have had cancer, have
Hiv or family history of Addison's disease, and a physical examination to determine if there have been
any skin discoloration. Other tests such as Blood tests to check for high potassium or low sodium
levels, your cortisol and ACTH levels may be checked, ACTH stimulation Tests to check how your
hormone levels are, Imagining test such as Ct scans or MRI's to look for damage to the adrenal glands.
The order of tests would be determined through the ones with least side affect probability, so the
physical test would be first, then blood test, then an ACTH stimulation Test, and finally the Imaging