There are three types of symptom categories that each thing fall under. Inattention, Hyperactivity and lastly Impulsivity are the categories. Under the Inattention the symptoms include being disorganized, lack of focus, attention to detail, be forgetful and being easily distracted (WebMD pg1). People honestly have some of these symptoms daily but may not have ADHD. That would include myself I sometimes lose focus and forget things. Some of the symptoms that would go under the Hyperactivity category would be being very fidgety, having trouble being quiet, always on the go and always have to be talking excessively (WebMD pg1). These type of symptoms are commonly found in preschoolers. Impulsive symptoms would be impatient and having trouble waiting their turn to do something (WebMD pg1). If you think about it little kids have trouble doing most of this stuff and not having …show more content…
There are more ways to treat it rather that just plain old medicine (helpguide pg1). ADHD is sometimes referred to a genetics thing so the people with ADHD never lose it they just might not have the symptoms all the time as they get older. A few of those other good resourceful treatments would include exercise more, spend time playing with your children, eat healthier meals, make sure your child gets enough sleep, get into a normal routine each night for the kids, reward them sometimes with something special and lastly look into medication for an extra “hand”(helpguide pg1). Just like earlier medication may not always be the best treatment option out there. There are plenty of other useful things that will work just as good (helpguide pg1).
Lastly to wrap this all together the main points involving ADHD were what it is, how it is treated, interesting stats that go along with it. ADHD is one of those things I think we need to be more concerned about rather than it just that it is associated with kids that are just bad all the time. Also that ADHD is not just found in kids that there are adults out there who struggle with this condition. We need to put the time in and work with them and make them feel just like any of us and give them that feeling as not being seen different and are welcomed