How many electrons does this atom have? _________________ How many protons? _________________ How many neutrons? ________________ What is the atomic number? ______________ Find the name of this element by referring to the periodic chart. _______________________…
Spanking, defined as the use of physical force in punishing children, takes many forms such as canning, belting or smacking. It has however received opposition from humanitarians and activists. However, research in different countries on parent’s perception of the same has yielded surprising results with the majority arguing that sometimes it is necessary to spank the children. The most notable countries have been the US, China, India, and Europe, US parents leading with 70 percent in agreement.…
Simple physical punishments; such as pinching, flicking, and spanking, are carried out on us at a very young age, and all throughout life. Our parents are here to discipline us, to teach us the difference of right and wrong. When we first misbehave, our parents might tell us to “knock it off” or “stop” and they may raise their voice when asserting these commands. We sometimes stop when told to, but sometimes we ignore their commands and keep misbehaving repeatedly. This is where physical punishment comes into play. A form of physical punishment would and will be carried out on us. At first it may be a simple punishment, but gradually the punishments intensify. Once a punishment has been carried out, many of us become cloaked in fear of punishment and from this fear we learn not to do that mistake again. Simple punishment is used for the good of children and to discipline them, “Dr. David Safir, father of five and grandfather of five, CNN asked him to talk to us about his views on spanking. He said he was spanked as a child, spanked his own children when necessary and believes the occasional use of physical punishment -- not abuse -- can be an effective tool for parents” (Zeidler) If these simple punishments are executed out…
Spanking is a form of corporal punishment that is commonly used to discipline children all around the world. This form of punishment typically consists of an adult striking the child’s bottom or hand as a reaction to unwanted behavior. There are many arguments that are made on whether a child should be spanked or not, many people tend to believe it’s fair while other believe it’s simply wrong. Those who do not believe in spanking say spanking is a form of child abuse. That it shows children the idea of violence at a young age. So the question is whether spanking will cause the child to be a violent individual, if spanking will harm children mentally and physically, and if it’s a harm to their health and development later on in life.…
Born Worker is a short story that talks about a young man his name is Jose . Jose and his cousin Arnie came…
Most anti-spanking laws have been enacted pursuant to studies on the effects of spanking which is believed to be the cause of violent and aggressive behaviour of children. Based on recent studies, when children are repeatedly spanked, they develop a notion that spanking is an acceptable and normal behavior of adults. Consequently, when these children becomes adult they exhibit violent behavior towards other people or even to their own children on the basis that adults are entitled to be violent and any violent behavior is acceptable as long as it is done by adults. Because of these studies which discourage spanking due to its serious effect on the behavior of children, spanking has become a prohibited act in many countries.…
Children who are spanked grow into adulthood with mental and emotional disorders that affect them and those surrounding them for life. Childhood experiences are thought to influence the development of mental health problems later in life. Whether people agree or disagree on spanking research findings from past years, they show at least nine reasons that physical punishment should not be used on children with corporal punishment. The purpose of this paper is to gather information from already completed research to help add a new level of understanding. Many variables play a role in why…
Children cannot possibly benefit from “discipline” in the form of punishment. Simply put, punishment is disrespectful treatment of a child that will result short-term cooperation but further behavior problems long-term. No child should have to endure such negative modification methods intended to humiliate them with a goal of teaching appropriate behavior. Sadly, however, some adults think they are doing what is best for the child. But what can a child possibly learn from hearing a parent say, “If you hit your brother one more time, I'm gonna spank you!” The child interprets that message as “if I hit him, then you're going to hit me.” There is no valuable lesson…
Few parents agree that corporal punishment is a type of child abuse. When used properly and in the correct circumstances, spanking can be an effective form of punishment. A spanking that is received when a parent is calm, rather than when the parent is angry and quick to action is more controlled and stable (Spank or Not to Spank). Verbal punishment can be more harmful than physical ones. Being verbally assaulted can cause self-esteem or emotional issues (When Parents Lift Their Hands). Frequent uses of verbal punishments can become ineffective and hurtful as it can attack a child’s sense of pride and…
Some parents spank their kids when they do not listen or obey parents. However, other parents hit them without right reason such as an alcoholic parents beat them, and it can be considered child abuse. According to the article, it shows ninety percent of parents that admit to spanking when children are hit as a mean of correction. In the pros, the supporters believe spanking would stop children from misbehaving and correct their mistakes; these children would listen and obey to parents. The experts expect fifty percentages of parents that admit to spank teenagers who are between thirteen and fourteen years old. On the other hand, in the cons, spanking is considered as a child abuse, which the victim is living in fear of his or her parents. Some studies show ninety-three percentages of agreement that spanking has harmful effects to children (“Pros and Cons”). Mild spanking has an immediate compliance of the child. Every parent wants his/her child to become a successful person when he/she grows up. For example, some children are stubborn and disobedient which makes parents angry about their bad behavior. Especially, the children who are three or younger have been spanked a lot of times; parents mostly use hands to hit them on arm butt, hands, feet, or legs. Some people consider spanking helps children who are between the teenagers’ ages to understand what is right or wrong. Moreover, they can learn lessons from their parents’ advice and teaching. According to the researchers quoted by Dr. Zeidler said he was spanked when he was a little boy. He also approved, “Spanking children as needed when necessary and believes the occasional use of physical punishment-not abuse-can be an effective tool for parents” (Zeidler). The author argues that parents have the responsibility to teach their children in the correct way, especially not using any weapon. If parents…
Why Spanking Children is Wrong Parents have been spanking their children for hundreds of years, but recently this practice has come into question. The concern is not regarding the effectiveness of spanking but the correctness of spanking. Parents should not be allowed to strike their children. Child abuse is defined as any unnecessary or intentional physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Spanking is not the only method of child discipline. Spanking is not even the most effective method of child discipline. Numerous studies have made it evident that spanking does have a negative effect on children. Spanking children should be considered child abuse because it teaches children the wrong message about hitting, it does not teach a child to act out of conscience, but out of fear, it hurts the parent-child relationship, and there are other more effective forms of child discipline. The combination of these factors plays a large role in the inappropriateness of spanking as a form of discipline. If spanking is not the best form of discipline then it is unnecessarily causing physical and mental harm to a child, thus constituting child abuse.…
Spanking has been a major factor in our society over the years. Spanking has been known to be the most effective way to managing behavior. Some people think that if you don’t spank your children, they will grow up being disrespectful and disobedient. However, some parents believe that spanking their children is the wrong form of discipline. Also some people think that if you don’t spank your children they are at a higher risk of going to jail.…
Your 8-year-old refuses to put away her toys. Your 11-year-old isn 't turning in his homework on time. Your 16-year-old has come home late for the third time in a row. One of the biggest challenges in raising children is providing proper discipline. Punishment sometimes comes in the form of name calling, isolating a child, or using physical force, may or may not give you immediate results. There has been increasing debate about how we can effectively discipline children - and the rights and wrongs of corporal punishment. This paper will look at (1) the change in societal views of corporal punishment of children (2) the effects of corporal punishment on children, and (3) alternatives to the use of corporal punishment on…
The theory of discipline has been debated for decades. Arguments over how it should be carried out and how harsh it should be has been discussed. One aspect of discipline has been shoved into the dark, the effect on the child. No matter how much it is spoken of children remember what happened to them in their childhood. Whether they were pleasant or not can lead to problems later in life. One debate that shall soon be settled deals with the spanking of children.…
The common misconception that spanking is a form of child abuse affects the proper discipline of today's youth. Some parents are actually afraid to discipline their own children using the same method of belief from their own upbringing. Who is correct in the notion of right and wrong discipline? Is there such a thing as a correct way to spank your child? In my opinion, there is. So, my goal is to show that if the proper guidelines, created by certified professionals, are followed, then spanking critics fail to prove that spanking is child abuse.…