September 22, 2009
Mary and John grew up in two very different socioeconomic backgrounds. Mary 's family was in a “tight” financial situation. John was in a very comfortable situation and money was never an issue. Looking at Freud and the Psychoanalytic theory Mary and John are in two different places. “Freud hypothesized three basic systems that are contained within the structure of personality: the id, the ego, and the superego” (Sharf, 2008). Mary is very concerned about money. Since becoming engaged she wants John to change his lifestyle which includes enrolling in school and getting a job. She is very focused on where they will live and what the financial situation will be. John sees this as pushy and he is seeing a side of Mary that he has not seen before. According to Freud 's Psychoanalytic theory Mary has remained in the Id. “The Id is the primitive mind. It contains all the basic needs and feelings. It is the source for libido (psychic energy) and it has only one rule, the “pleasure principle”. I want it and I want it all now (Neill, 2004). Mary grew up in a family that had limited financial resources. This made Mary very unhappy and she decided that her children would not experience the same situation as her. She would make sure that her children did not want for anything. Since John and Mary have become engaged ,she is focusing on what the financial future will be for her and John. Knowing that she does not want to struggle financially she is focused on John going to school to get an education , which will allow him to have a financially stable job. She will be able to stay at home with the children and he can make a comfortable living for their family. John, according the Freud 's theory is in the Superego. “It represents behaviors that parent approve of, whereas the conscience refers to behaviors disproved of by parents” (Sharf, 2008). John has continued to do what his parents felt was important and that is to
References: Neill, J. (2004). Structure of Mind: Freud 's Id, Ego & Superego. Retrieved September 12, 2009, from 4StructureMindIdEgoSuperego.html Heaton, J.A. (1998). Building Basic Therapeutic Skills: A Practicle Guide for Current Mental Health Practice. Jossey-Bass, Inc., htty:// Sharf, R. S. (2009). Chapter 2 Psychoanalysis. M. Flemming (Ed.), Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Concepts and Cases. (pp. 25-69). California: Brooks/Cole. Van Wagner, K. (2008). The Id, Ego and Supereo: The Structural Model of Personality. Retrieved September 12, 2009, from