Trust is a difficult thing to achieve. In a therapeutic setting, trust can come slowly or quickly. This depends on the therapist and client. If the therapist is warm and inviting, generally clients will open up a bit quicker. Every now and then there will be clients that have trust issues and do not want to open up about their lives. Some clients do not want to trust the therapist because they are afraid of getting into trouble. Maybe they have done something illegal and they do not want the therapist to turn them in. A solution to this is to be honest with the client and let them know that you have their best intentions in
Trust is a difficult thing to achieve. In a therapeutic setting, trust can come slowly or quickly. This depends on the therapist and client. If the therapist is warm and inviting, generally clients will open up a bit quicker. Every now and then there will be clients that have trust issues and do not want to open up about their lives. Some clients do not want to trust the therapist because they are afraid of getting into trouble. Maybe they have done something illegal and they do not want the therapist to turn them in. A solution to this is to be honest with the client and let them know that you have their best intentions in