State Administration is regulated in the Law 6/1997, april 14th, de Organización y Funcionamiento de la Administración General del Estado (LOFAGE). In addition, as government is a branch of State Administration, the Law 50/1997, de 27 de noviembre, del Gobierno, must be considered as a relevant part of its legal regime.
The upper bodies in the hierarchy scheme are:
-Órganos superiores: Presidente y Consejo de Ministros, también Comisiones delegadas del Gobierno.
At a lower level we have:
-Órganos directivos a. Los Ministros. b. Los Secretarios de Estado. c. Órganos directivos: d. Los Subsecretarios y Secretarios generales. (Delegados del Gobierno, rango de Subsecretario) e. Los Secretarios generales técnicos y Directores generales. f. Los Subdirectores generales (Sub-Delegados del Gobierno) At this level authorities are not qualified as “Altos Cargos”. Embajadores and Representantes permanentes before organizaciones internacionales.
-Unidades organizativas: SERVICIOS, SECCIONES, NEGOCIADOS (this is the correct hierarchical scheme).
-Unidades administrativas: are the basic organizational units that integrate the organizational structures. It includes single job positions and public workers operating together according to their functions and duties, and sharing a common leader (such administrative units are complex, gathering two or more public workers to comply with certain functions).
Heads of the different administrative units are responsible for the correct operation of the unit members. They are responsible of the accurate execution of assigned functions as well. The administrative units are defined in the RPTs, which are approved according to specific regulations. All of them will be part of a single administrative body.
The administrative structure of the State is based on two main areas. Firstly, numerous administrative