Tatyana Kovalevsky
Grand Canyon University: NRS-430
March 9, 2014
The art of nursing arose in a primitive time when one person cared for another who was sick. The goal of nursing is to incorporate theoretical and experimental nursing from the sciences and technology. The aim to promote high quality, safe nursing care, to prevent illness and facilitate coping. To accomplish these goals, the nurse takes the role of caregiver, teacher and collaborator. As nursing grows and changes to meet the needs of society, laws have been made and “standard sets that govern the practice of the nursing profession.” (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 47)
A brief historical overview helps gain a better understanding of the factors influencing nursing education and how each program contributes to the new age health care institution. For example, Florence Nightingale trained to become a nurse in mid-1800s and started the first school of nursing, her beliefs about nursing hold true today. Nursing training becomes a way for a woman to obtain further education and employment that could provide independence. The institution made a pathway for nurses to pursue higher education. Back in 1965, the American Nurses Association adopted a brave state asking for bachelors the “entry point into professional nursing practice.” (Creasia & Friberg, 2011, p. 24) This has been one of the earliest attempts to change the level of nursing education to scientifically based teaching, which experienced many obstacles to overcome such as financial finding and perception of nursing in general. Formal education was another way to build a professional image for nursing.
The educational curriculums and quality of patient care are the substantial differences in two categories of nurses: Associate
References: American Association Colleges of Nursing (AACN), (2005). Fact Sheet: Creating a More Highly Qualified Nursing Workforce. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.nche.edu/media-relations/NursingWorkforce.pdf Creasia & Friberg, (2011). Conceptual Foundations The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice. Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978-0-323-06860-7/pages/47257581 Differences in Competencies Between Nurses Prepared at - Term Papers - Mlstandefer. (2011, April). Retrieved February 26, 2014, from http://www.studymode.com/essays/Differences-In-Competenties-Between-Nurses-Prepared-678710.html Grand Canyon University, (2014). Retrieved from NRS430V.v10R. GrandCanyonUniversityCollegeofNursingPhylosophy_Student.docx