In literature, a character’s journey is almost always characterized by a change in the status quo that presents a problem and the character’s reaction that presents a solution. However, that solution is not always successful as some characters choose to be proactive and take action while others hesitate. Compared to Young Ju and The Hunger Artist, Janie most successfully adjusts to different environments by placing a strong emphasis on individuality while she takes action.…
It can lead some teen to slices. The symptom of depression is sad, angry and irritable. After I read the book, Catcher in the rye”, I learned that depression of teen is the same as now. For my own experience, I have been depressed about college and what I should do with my life. I depress with the college financial because I think high education is important for my future. I am deeply thinking about this issue which sometimes lead me to depress. Depression still happens in this day. The depression symptom of the teen is being lonely, losing family and using…
In the United States, 2.5% of children and 8.3% of adolescents suffer from depression…. More than 7% of depressed adolescents later commit suicide as young adults.…
Depressive disorders during youth occur frequently. During childhood there are an estimated one to two percent of children between the ages of six and twelve that have a Major depressive disorder. That rate changes to two to five percent in adolescents or ages thirteen to eighteen. Fourteen to twenty five percent of youth experiences at least one episode of major depression before adulthood. Depression has been diagnosed at a much higher rate than in the past few decades. Episodes of major depression will reoccur within a five year time period. Depression is often combined with anxiety disorders, dysthymia, disruptive disorders and, or substance abuse and is associated with increased risk taking behavior that could lead to sexual transmitted infections or pregnancy. Depression in youth can last for several months and is often circular and returns. Some studies show that many adolescents that have depression grow up to be depressed adults. The lack of care and identification of depression from pre-adolescent depression is also a factor the leads to adult depression. Some researchers suggest that the care given to a child while transitioning into adulthood is not consistent so there is a loss in continuity from child to adult depression. Other data suggest that children with major depression continue to experience high rates of depression into adulthood and through out there lives. Many youth that have depression often have substantial impairment in social functioning, including poor school achievement and problems with both family and peers. Depressed youth also have a higher rate of suicide. Other psychosocial impairment growths with increasing severity of depression; however, even minor depression is associated with much social impairment. Although in many cases depression in youth will be recognized and treated, there are still fewer than half of youths with major…
Mental Health America wrote an informative article on the forces that can cause depression. “When adolescents are depressed, they have a tough time believing that their outlook can improve. But professional treatment can have a dramatic impact on their lives. It can put them back on track and bring them hope for the future.” (Mental Health America). Depression is serious and, if it is left untreated, can worsen to the point of becoming life-threatening. There are many treatments such as psychotherapy, which provides teens an opportunity to explore events and feelings that are painful to them; it teaches them coping skills. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps teens change negative patterns of thinking and…
C. The authors purpose of writing this article is to inform parents that children’s mental health is just important as adults and that they will not always just grow out of it and they just like adults…
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the categories, depending on personal characteristics and the severity of the depression. Although depression is usually first noticed during the teen or early adult years, a person can have an episode of depression at any age. Major depressive disorder (MDD) is estimated to be 2% in children and 6% in adolescents and up to 25% of adults age >60 experience MDD, dysthymic disorder, or “minor” depression. Although diagnosis and treatment of major depressive disorder is similar among all patients, its symptoms and course may be atypical in children, adolescents, and older adults. Awareness of these varying clinical manifestations can facilitate early recognition and treatment. Although diagnosis and treatment of depression is similar regardless of a patient’s age, younger and older patients may not exhibit typical depressive symptoms.…
“Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction,it is a functioning phenomenon.It stops you cold,sets you down and makes you miserable¨.(James Hileman). Teen depression is a serious mental health problem that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities. Some issues that persist to affect it include peer pressure, academic expectations and body changes these things can bring a lot of ups and downs for some those feelings stay longer than others some of those feelings are not temporary. While depression can be temporary the responses to it vary upon the situational stressors including maturation, hormonal changes and independence, Conflicts with parents and school can also be one of these situational stressors. It affects how you will think,feel,behaves, and it can cause emotional, functional and physical problems.…
Developing depressive disorders in adolescence is common all around the world, but often goes unrecognized. It is widely accepted in America that teens in poverty are at a higher risk than any other members of the social stratum for being distressed; and are ultimately prone to increased psychological destruction compared to their social peers. Nationwide research has continually demonstrated that low income is a prominent stimulant of stress as well as emotional, psychological, and behavioral crises. Depression leads to the deteriorating of life quality, and impairs occupational as well as societal functioning. The burdens which depressive disorders are associated with is elevated among low and middle income families. These specific social…
Depression in a teenager can impair their ability to learn and connect with peers when in fact it is an important time period for their academic achievement and social growth. As a teacher, I have the ability to act as an essential part of my students support network. But doing so is easier said than done. It requires a deep understanding of many faces of depression and the strategies involved. I have been through tough times at my age as well so I can take that and turn it around into something great by helping my students realize that they are not alone. As a teacher I need to be able to recognize the signs of depression right away and act in a supporting manner. As Dustin explained it affected his grades first. I promise to myself that as a teacher that could possibly be dealing with this that I will check in regularly with the student to drive home the idea that someone does care about them and they are not alone. I could check in with them personally after school or lunch or over email whatever is convenient for them. My most important job is to develop a relationship with these students. By doing so I will express unconditional support, avoid singling out the students for criticism, being specific in providing feedback, and using positive reinforcement. I will aid their educational aid emotional development by encouraging them to draw or even doing something as simple as lowering…
The purpose of this study is to assess the leading reasons to why college students become stressed. There are several reasons behind this, the focus is more so what is the leading factors of stress that are associated with depression. This topic was important to me because for African American college students there are several stress-producing situations that can trigger depression. Situations that can cause stress are, relationships, grades, being away from parents, and living in a new environment. According to recent research “Depression in young adults is a common health problem and growing public health concern (Voelker, 2003; Lewinsohn, Rohde, & Seeley, 1998). Depression impairs psychosocial development and academic success (Birmaher et al., 1996). It is a strong predictor of suicide, which is the third leading cause of death in 15-24 years old and the second…
The first step in this three part program is to get the school and some teachers involved with helping the student who suffers depression achieve their goals just like a “normal” teen would. The second step is setting up a screening to confirm whether or not the teen truly suffers from depression or suffers from something else, or even nothing at all . The final step is to essentially follow the teens depression, in other words see if anything triggers their depression and if there is something that triggers it how to prevent it. The follow up is just to make sure that their treatment is working and will be able to assist the teen. Teachers and counselors , as well as parents , are the best people to talk to if diagnosed with depression. King & Vidourek also state, “In addition, teachers and parents should be encouraged to maintain open dialogue with their teens which can assist in early detection and subsequently early treatment. Adults and volunteers working with teens should use authoritative skills, offer support, be attentive and caring, set and enforce limits, and help teens to establish and achieve career/lifetime goals.” ( King & Vidourek pg. 18) Any adult influences in the teens life should be encouraged to talk openly to the children if they show any signs of depression.…
What is major depressive disorder? According to the DSM library, the symptoms of major depressive disorder can include: a depressed mood more often than not (this mood can include hopelessness, emptiness, etc.), diminishes pleasure or interest in daily activity, unintended weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, insomnia or hypersomnia, and thoughts of death. Risk factors for major depressive disorder can include: a neurotic attitude, difficult childhood experiences, genetic from parents, a symptom of another illness like addiction. Major depressive disorder can be treated by medication, psychotherapy, and inpatient. Medication can range from: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitors (SNRIs), atypical depressants, tricyclic depressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), etc. Psychotherapy can include discussing current events of the individual or what may have led to the disorder. Inpatient is usually where individuals admit themselves if they are at harm to themselves or others until they are calmer. Creating less stigma can help individuals and a larger audience so there is no fear in talking about their feelings and…
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly prevalent in society, especially in youths. One of the main mental health issues faced by today’s youth is depression. There are many psychological, cultural and social factors that contribute to a serious mental condition, such as depression. The main five Primary Health Care principles are appropriate technology, health promotion, community participation, accessibility and inter-sectoral collaboration. These Primary Health Care principles work hand in hand in approaching and tackling the issue of mental health in youths. A greater focus must be awarded to not only depression and other forms of mental health but special attention needs to be paid to our youth. Today’s youth, however, must also be informed of the various programs and assistance that is available to them.…
Adolescence is a developmental period when youth begin to experience a desire for intimacy and increased responsibilities both socially and academically. A number of factors influence how adolescents navigate this period of change. Positive outcomes are more likely if adolescents engage in healthy activities, have adequate social support, and are connected with their families. However, the negotiation of developmental tasks in adolescents may also be quite challenging and difficult, leading to the onset of adolescent depression, substance use, and ultimately suicide…