The issuesregarding this included some argued that its assessment of adoption applicants should focus specifically on “ the best interet of the child” in terms of the suitability of the couple instead of the sex of the couple. The adoption of a child should merely be focused on the child’s safety and wellbeing of being adopted, instead of the sex of the parents.…
Total for this Section: 60 marks Ideas about the nature of children have changed over time. The modern view is that children are fundamentally different from adults – innocent, inexperienced and vulnerable. Thus modern childhood involves segregation: children’s vulnerability means they need to be shielded from the dangers and responsibilities of the adult world. Childhood has become a specially protected and privileged time of life. Yet children were not always viewed in this way. Until the 17th century, childhood was regarded as a brief period (up to the age of about 7), after which the individual was ready to enter the wider world. Some sociologists argue that we are now witnessing a further change in the nature of childhood, and that the differences between childhood and adulthood are once…
The 18th century in Europe was a dynamic center for changes in daily life. The prior centuries saw the decline in the social status of women and Renaissance ideals hoping to keep them in the home. It also was witness to the church’s dominion in education and the social gap between the privileged children who could afford an education and the mainly illiterate masses. The denial that childhood was a distinct period in a person’s life, the lack of hands-on parenting and concern for children, and the proclivity of wet nurses also were an integral part of how this sector of culture was viewed in this time period. However, in the 18th century, the education system experienced changes in patronage and attitudes toward children changed, while the…
1. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? The Middle Ages was a time of migrations, upheavals, and wars. People were divided by three main social classes: nobility, peasantry, and clergy.…
“Aries describes a medieval world in which, if children were not actually the equals of adults, they nevertheless mixed freely with adults in both work and leisure” this was identified by item A. Item A suggests that industrialisation brought major changes to the position of children. This was suggested by Aries who said that the elements of the modern notion of childhood gradually began to emerge from the 13th century onwards; schools was one of them previously adults attended as well became to specialise purely in the education of the young. This reflected the influence of the church, which increasing saw children as fragile “creatures of God” in need of discipline and protection from worldly evils. Another one of them was the growing distinction between children’s and adults clothing. By the 17th century an upper class boy would be dressed in an outfit reserved for his own age group, which set him apart from adults. Lastly Aries identified that by the end of 18th century, handbooks on childrearing were widely available a sign of the growing child-centeredness of family…
“The Moral Challenge of Natality: Towards a Post-Traditional Concept of Family and Privacy in Repro-genetics” is an article from Gottingen University, written by C. Wiesemann. Wiesemann discusses how “repro-genetic is going to change the way we conceive children, and will have a substantial influence on the family” (61). He evaluates the two family models, the traditional model and the care model. They are part of an “ethical debate” of which model is better for a family. Instead of choosing between the two he suggests a third model, the kinship model as a “moral agent” for the debate (61). He thinks of the kinship model as being better suited for the family model. Wiesemann persuades his view by appealing to the audience’s emotions for the most part. Although he does well to prove his point, his arguments are ineffective due to hasty generalizations, ad populum, and ad misericordiam.…
Identify the various assumptions about children in early modern Europe, and analyze how these assumptions affected child-rearing practices.…
4. How did the responsibilities of the nobility differ from those of the clergy and the peasantry during the High Middle Ages? How did each social class contribute to the stability of society?…
Adoption is the social and emotional process in which children, who will not be raised by their birth parents, become full and permanent legal members of another family. Also while maintaining genetic connections to their birth family. Open adoption is when birthmothers or birthparents have adoptive families have an interaction with one another including the adopted child. The interaction of the adoptive child with the birth family includes writing letters, sending e-mails, telephone calls, and especially visits with one another. The introduction of openness into the process of adoption offers new opportunities for children in need of a parent or parents or especially just wishing to expand on the family. Closed adoption also known as “Confidential Adoption” are files of the birth parents are sealed and never will be revealed unless approval of both parties (FindLaw). There is no interaction of birthmothers and the adoptive family.…
In Medieval times, pregnancy was not viewed as something beautiful. Bringing a new life into the world caused more harm than good. Nowadays, pregnancy is widely talked about. When a woman becomes pregnant, it isn’t frowned upon like it was in the Middle Ages. Pictures of pregnant women appear all over social media and in magazines that show how popular and appreciated it is now, but it was very dangerous in the Middle Ages.…
Most adoptions involve minor children in a legal process that profoundly affects them for the rest of their lives. It is imperative that professionals involved in adoptions act ethically to safeguard the rights of vulnerable…
Rutter investigated the progress of 111 Romanian Orphans who were brought to Britain for adoption. The children were raised in poor institutions. The Romanian children were tested for general cognitive levels till the age of 4. A control group of British children were also tested to see whether it was the separation from the mother or the poor conditions of the institution which led to the negative effects. The results were that after four years the two groups of children showed no significant differences in intellectual or physical development. Those who were in Britain before the age of 6 months were said to have developed greater than those who arrived after.…
Adoption has been around since ancient times. Children at that time were given up be a slave or to become an heir for their adopted family’s name (Rowen). As time went on, however, adoption became more for the well-being of the child. Up until 1917 these adoptions were very informal. Informal adoptions could be described similar to transferring deeds of a house to a new owner (Carroll). Minnesota thought it was time to make adoption more official. They passed a law which required a child welfare agency to investigate every child that was placed with a new family. This law created what is known as closed adoption (Rowen). The government thought closed adoptions would allow the child to bond with their adoptive parents without the birth parents…
Adoption has been practiced around the world since the beginning of civilization for orphaned or abandoned children. In the United States adoptions were arranged by individuals and families until the 20th century. Beginning in the mid 1900’s adoption agencies took over in helping place children in suitable homes. Adoption can be a fulfilling adventure for adopted people and their new families. The joys of having a new member or person in your life is an incredible feeling. Being an adopted person is not an identity or a disease. Adoption is the process by which one person joins a family unit that supports development of the whole person. Throughout the past years the amount of foster-care children waiting to be adopted fell from 62,759 in 2011 to 58,587 in 2012. You may hear many people arguing about if they favor or dislike adoption. What are the different mindsets of people on the subject of…
“The Survey says that years ago in a mid-western orphanage was a ten-year-old girl, a hunchback, sickly, ill-tempered, ugly to look at, called Mercy Goodfaith. One day a woman came to the orphanage asking to adopt a girl whom no one else would take, and seeing Mercy Goodfaith, exclaimed, “That’s the child I’m looking for.” Thirty-five years afterward an official investigator of institutions in another state, after inspecting a county orphan’s home prepared a report of which the following is a resume. The house was exquisitely clean and the children seemed unusually happy. After supper they all went into the living room where one of the girls played the organ while the rest sang. Two small girls sat on one arm of the matron’s lap, and two of the larger boys leaned on the back of her chair. One of the boys who sat on the floor took the hem of her dress in his hand and stroked it. It was evident that the children adored her. She was a hunchback, ugly in feature, but with eyes that almost made her beautiful. Her name was Mercy Goodfaith” (Fosdick, 1943:72).…