If you’ve been diagnosed with an adrenal gland disorder, filing a successful SSDI claim is not as cut and dry as you think. The Social Security Administration evaluates specific symptoms …show more content…
related to adrenal gland disorders. Your diagnosis must include certain disabling health problems that make it difficult to function under normal circumstances. In particular, they look for adrenal-related:
● Hypertension
● Heart arrhythmias
● Osteoporosis
● Mood disorders
● Weight loss
There are a host of other symptoms that can make you feel lousy at times, but won’t qualify you for benefits, because the agency determines you are able to function okay with the help of steroids and medications.
It’s a real challenge figuring out which adrenal gland disorders qualify you for benefits. Here are the disorders that may include the above symptoms:
● Addison’s Disease
● Cushing’s Disease
● Pheochromocytoma
Adrenal Gland Heart Disease and SSDI Claims
Various health-related problems can lead to heart disease, but if you plan to use adrenal gland disorder as a reason for benefits, your heart disease must be connected to the adrenal glands. The only way to prove this is through a physician diagnosis and test results. SSA wants to see that the hypertension you experience due to gland disfunction is worsening your heart condition.
You may be able to do some limited daily tasks with this condition, but you cannot tolerate a full day of work-related stress.
Adrenal-related Osteoporosis and SSDI Claims
Under certain circumstances, poorly functioning adrenal glands contribute to acute osteoporosis. To receive SSDI benefits for this condition your bone loss must be so severe that fractures develop. These fractures make it difficult to walk. They may also approve your claim, if you lose some function in your upper extremities (arms, hands, fingers, etc.).
Proving Adrenal-related Mood
Emotional stress can contribute to developing an adrenal gland disorder such as pheochromocytoma. However, mood changes are common, and not necessarily disease related. It’s important to have a medical report tie-in a mood disorder to your gland issues.