ISSN 2162-3058
2011, Vol. 2, No. 1
The Mediating Effect of HRM Outcomes (employee retention) on the Relationship between HRM Practices and Organizational Performance
Fathi Mohamed Abduljlil ALDamoe
College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Tel: +60175443825, E-mail:
Dr. Mohamd Yazam
College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Kamal Bin Ahmid
College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Accepted: December 2, 2011 doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v2i1.1252 Published: January 9, 2012
The matter of human resources activities have been commonly used to observe organizational performance. One of the distinctive features of HRM is that better performance is achieved through the people in the organization. In recent years significant remarks have been recorded in identifying the Human Resources Management (HRM) – performance relationship. The relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance has been well documented by the previous studies. However, authors have called for the interrogation of the mediating role of HRM Outcomes such as employee retention in the relationship between
HRM practices and organizational performance. Thus, the major objective of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of HRM Outcomes (employee retention) on the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance. Based on the evidence derived from the literature, the paper concludes that employee retention is likely to mediate in the relationship between HRM practices and organizational performance.
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Employee Retention, Human Resources
Management Practices, Organizational Performance
International Journal of Human Resource Studies
ISSN 2162-3058
2011, Vol. 2, No. 1
Generally, organizations come in all shapes and sizes and
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