Education beyond high school, even beyond a Bachelors degree is a critical requirement to obtain a decent rewarding employment in today’s society. However, many individuals do not graduate high school or college for many reasons: unexpected pregnancies, lack of family support, need of financial aid, etc. These individuals who return to some kind of higher education later in life are known as adult learners, or the non-traditional students. Adult learners over age 24 currently comprise about 44 percent of U.S. postsecondary students. (Kahiz, 2007) These individuals make up a group of students who differ from traditional students. An adult learner possesses any of the following criteria: married or divorced, have dependents, earned a GED, is a veteran, or is twenty-five years old or older. “Adult learners include the fifty- something grandmother, as well as the 18-year-old mother of an infant. The thirty-something man who is changing careers due to complications of diabetes is an adult leaner, as is the 22-year-old Marine veteran.” (2001) There are also differences between adult learners and traditional-student learners when they experience learning. First, adults are people with years of experience and a wealth of information and have established values, beliefs and opinions. Dirkx, Lavin (Zemke 1984) and Pelavin (Tuijnman, 1995) state that these learners vary widely among ages, abilities, job experiences, cultural backgrounds, and personal goals; and range in educational backgrounds from no formal schooling through many years of schooling. In Addition, adult learners carry well-developed personal identities. Second, adults relate new knowledge and information to previously learned information and experiences. Adult learners want to be able to relate content to specific contexts in their lives. These contexts are often in the form of a problem issue or concern in their worksite. Third, adults have pride and have a deep need
References: A Quarterly Summary of Challenges to Student Learning. Retrieved on Novemeber 3, 2007, from Assumptions About the Adult Learner. Retrieved on November 5, 2007, from Brookfield, Stephen. (1994). Tales from the Darkside. A Phenomemography of Adult Critical Reflection. Interactional Journals of Life-Long Education 13(3). Brookfield, Stephen. Critically Reflective Teaching. Retrieved on November 3, 2007 from California Nurses Association, AIDS Train the Trainer Program for Health Care Providers. (1988). Principles of Adult Learners: Treat Learners Like Adults. Getting the Most out of Your AIDS/HIV Trainings East Bay AIDS Education Training Center. Chasaide, Christine B. Balancing Realities - The Act of Becoming An Adult Student – Retrieved on October 30, 2007, from Hibbison, Eric. (2001) Critically Reflective Teaching. Retrieved on November 4, 2007, from Kazis, Richard. (2007) Adult Learners in Higher Education Barriers to Success and Strategies to Improve Results Lieb, Stephen. (1991) Principles of Adult Learning: Adults as Learners. Vision. Retrieved on November 11, 2007 from Perry, W Sternberg, R.J. (1990) Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development. New York: Cambridge University Press. Tuijnman, A. (ed). (1995). Adult Learning: an Overview. International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training. Oxford: Pergamon Press/Elsevier Science. Zemke, Susan & Ron. (1984) 30 Things We Know For Sure About Adult Learning. Innovation Abstracts 6 (8).