AUTHORS: Rathipally Santosh kumar EMAIL:santhosh_rathi@yahoo.co.in III/IV B.Tech. (cse)
M.R.Aditya Pranav kumar EMAIL:mr.adityapranav@yahoo.co.in III/IV B.Tech. (cse)
Wireless local area networks (wireless LANs, or WLANs) are metamorphosing the landscape of computer networking. The use of mobile computing devices, such as laptops and personal digital assistants, coupled with the demand for continual network connections without having to "plug in," are driving the adoption of enterprise WLANs. Network managers are using WLANs to facilitate network moves, add-ons and changes. In addition, the inherent flexibility of WLANs overcomes limitations created by older buildings, leased spaces, or temporary work areas.
This paper not only furnishes the details about Wireless LANs but also bestows an abundant number of methods in which the security of these WLANs can be breached. It also contributes a myriad number of ways in which one can thwart the potential assault on the WLANs network.
Wireless LAN, Security, Hacking, Access points.
High-speed wireless LANs can provide the benefits of network connectivity without the restrictions of being tied to a location or tethered by wires. Wireless connections can extend or replace a wired infrastructure in situations where it is costly or prohibitive to lay cables. Portable access to wireless networks can be achieved using laptop computers and wireless NICs. This enables the user to travel to various locations and still have access to their networked data. Without wireless access, the user would have to carry clumsy cabling and find a network tap to plug into. For businesses, wireless networks give more mobility and flexibility by
References: 0. Understanding Wireless LAN security - Dr. Sandeep K. Singhal. 0. Known vulnerabilities in Wireless LAN security - M. Komu & T. Nordstrom. 0. Building secure Wireless Local Area Networks - P. Trudeau. 0. Security in Public Access Wireless LAN Networks - F. Moioli. 0. Wireless LAN Security Threats - A. Chickinsky, Litton. ----------------------- [pic]