English Comp 2
Critical Analysis Essay
Advanced Alcohol Vaccine Giving Drinkers Hangovers? Michael Allen, the author of the article, “ New Alcoholism Vaccine Gives Drinkers an Immediate Painful Hangover”, has a lot of writing experience; they include writing for NBC News, MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Bros., and Fox Family. He has also written for many websites, including payscale.com, HowStuffWorks.com, and lastly Malaho.com. Michael is very supportive of this vaccine; he feels that if the effects of this vaccine work, it will have an impact on all the alcoholics everywhere. According to Michael, we need to be cautious in testing this vaccine, but he feels that the chances in this one working is quite large. The purpose of this vaccine is to give alcoholics an instant and excessive hangover if they drink even an insufficient amount; it sends a biochemical messenger to the liver telling it to not metabolize the alcohol, therefore giving symptoms of extreme nausea, pain, and a fast heartbeat. The vaccine will be operative between six months to a year and once given the vaccine can’t be transversed. Scientists are now using mice to test the dosage amounts needed to be given for the vaccine and hope to start testing on humans in November. I strongly agree with the author in the effectiveness of this vaccine. Alcoholism is getting out of control, especially with the younger population and parents can finally control their kids drinking habits by the injection of this vaccine. If we can stop underage drinking we could reduce the risk of teenagers becoming involved in violent behaviors, attempting or even succeeding at suicide, teenage pregnancy, and becoming an alcoholic later on in life. Drinking excessively is not just involved with teenagers; it becomes worse and develops into alcoholism for adults. Alcohol abuse for adults can be triggered by many things including; depression, isolation, grief from the loss of a loved one, or even fear. Many people struggle with giving up alcohol and this vaccine won’t give them a choice in quitting. We can finally control alcoholism and help those that have tried to quit numerous times and have not been able to succeed. As of now there are no critics in disagreeing with the production of this vaccine, many agree with it including Dr. Juan Asenjo, director of the university’s institutes for Cell Dynamics and Biotechnology, according to Dr. Asenjo, “"People who end up alcoholic have a social problem; a personality problem because they’re shy, whatever, and then they are depressed, so it’s not so simple But if we can solve the chemical, the basic part of the problem, I think it could help quite a bit.” Therefore this article was very convincing into helping me see that the vaccine will have many contributions into helping with alcohol abuse. Not only can this vaccine stop an on growing problem we have had for so long, but it can also change somebodies life for the better.
Works Cited
"Michael Allen." New Alcholism Vaccine Gives Drinkers an Immediate Painful Hangover (2013): n. pag. Print.
Cited: "Michael Allen." New Alcholism Vaccine Gives Drinkers an Immediate Painful Hangover (2013): n. pag. Print.