Advanced Family Therapy Spring, 2012 MID-TERM EXAM #2
Please answer the following questions in a few phrases, sentences or a short paragraph. If you need more room for any question, put it on the back of page l or 2 of the exam.
1. What is the purpose of "hypothesizing" according to Milan systemic therapy?
This technique utilized by systemic therapists assists them to develop a formulation as to how and why an issue has arisen, why the symptom could be serving a function within the family, and possible reasons as to why it continues to be a problem. This technique can be done both individually or amongst a team of clinicians. Hypothesizing is helpfu in …show more content…
always start by making boundaries more permeable d. all of the above
6. A method of interviewing developed by the Milan associates in which questions are asked to highlight differences among family members, is known as: a. a therapeutic double-bind b. circular questioning c. positive connotation d. a family ritual
7. A Milan systemic therapist effects change by: a. sequentially joining members of the family to unbalance a dysfunctional homeostasis b. releasing repressed emotions c. releasing information about differences d. suggesting alternative solutions around which the family can reorganize
8. According to narrative therapy, by maintaining a dominant story of their problem, family members fail to see_________________________their problems.
1. the paradox in 2. their contributions to 3. exceptions to 4. underlying causes of
9. According the narrative theory, therapists should NOT:
1. take a collaborative, listening position with clients 2. help people separate from their problems 3. consider the larger historical and political context 4. search for flaws in the family system …show more content…
2. Minuchin
3 The problem is the solution. 3. Michael White
1 The problem is the problem. 4. Freud
More short answer:
11. In narrative therapy, what is the purpose of “externalizing”?
Externalizing conversations separate the individual from the problem and assist the client to see how the problem has impacted his or her life. This technique helps clients to see that their problems are not intrinsic and a part of them, but instead problems are viewed as villains that negatively impact that person and the people around that person.
12. How would merely attending a therapy session constitute a unique outcome for a disorganized family?
Disorganized families often have a hard time accomplishing and achieving goal-directed activities. Attending a family therapy session would be an example of the entire family coming together to achieve a task—the task of being able to come together as a whole and receive family therapy. Attending a therapy session is a unique outcome because it is a positive event that is in contrast to their problem-saturated story, their story that they are incapable and too disorganized to accomplish anything worthwhile as a family.