As technologies and sciences are improving, from radio to computers, people nowadays can have a totally different style life than before. More and more devices are invented making people's life easier. It is a good sign that people are improving as time goes on; however, it is also a challenge for youth. Many people, especially youths, now have more beneficial and luxurious life. Youth now gets more relaxing and lazy. As time goes on, it will be huge challenges for youth today. Health problem is one of the many challenges for youths today.
We are witnessing a phenomenal advancement in technology over the last three decades, and our citizens are experiencing remarkable social and cultural change. This drastic change has generated psychological and social dislocations among many people. Moreover, technology has influenced the way we think about life in general and interpersonal human relations in particular. Certainly, religion should influence all aspects of our life. It regulates our relationship to God and fellow human beings. When religion is made insignificant and is reduced to one among many other forms of cultural expressions, then meaningful existence and interpersonal relationships that are cultivated by its presence are threatened. In its place personal greed and intensified forms of individuation breed self-centered and "first me" individualism. If these tendencies are not kept in check by concern for the well being of others, as taught by religion, it could lead to a self-serving, ego-centered individual.
Television in particular has gone beyond its mandate to assist the family and the school in providing visual aid and education to the young. It has taken upon itself to appeal to the destructive and disintegrative instincts, to provoke greed, unlimited self-gratification, and absence of moral restraint in its young audience.
Sometimes technologies are helpful and sometimes are harmful. The benefits of technology