International Aid – assistance developed countries give to developing countries to encourage economic growth and improve living standards…
The huge problems that these countries face show us that assistance from the rest of the world to allow LDC’s to even begin a process of development is necessary. Poor economic policies in the past that have left them economically isolated from the rest of the world, only further encouraged by bad governance and corruption have led to the poor situations that these countries now face. Only worsened by problems such as drought, desertification, civil war- which has killed more through famine and hunger than through actual conflict- and weak economies. Without any significant global position in the trading world, developing countries, mainly in Africa, are in desperate need of assistance.…
With two thirds of the world being made up by LICs, economic growth, the increase in output of goods and services that a country produces over a period of time, visible in its GDP, is essential for the growth of a country and the closure of the ‘development gap’. It has a multiplier effect that allows funds to be spent on infrastructure such as schools and roads; allowing living conditions to climb. Both aid and trade are used as a kick-starter for this multiplier effect, but which one is more efficient? Rostow’s model of Development notes this ‘kick-off’ as essential, with aid necessary for a ‘Traditional society’ to evolve into the ‘Transitional stage’ were specialization, surpluses and infrastructure allow Industrialization, growing investment, regional growth and political change to follow in Rostow’s ‘Take Off’ stage. For most of history this guide to development has been followed, with aims to develop being linked back to the giving of aid to LICs, but what does Aid actually involve and what really is it?…
Today I’m bringing a serious subject that has influenced the world and the development of countries around us into perspective. Foreign aid, and how the government should increase it, but first we have to ask the question, “What is foreign aid?” Simply, it is the economic, or military aid given by one nation to another for purposes of relief and rehabilitation, for economic stabilization, or for mutual defense.…
Aid is when the government of developed countries assist developing countries to encourage economic growth and improve living standards. There are 3 types of aid bilateral, multilateral and non-government organisations. Bilateral is when government to government give developing assistance, multilateral provides assistance through international agencies e.g. world banks and non-government originations are assistance from the public e.g. world vision.…
Aid is really effective only when it is aligned with recipients' priorities and is predictable, and donors must make sure that aid does not create unreasonable administrative demands on recipients. Low-income countries, for their part, face significant challenges when aid rises.And they have to ensure that the capacity of their public services is not overstretched. They must also make sure that aid flows do not have unintended economic effectslarge aid flows can result in an appreciation of a country's currency, making exports less competitive, or causing an increase in…
The act of charity is something that most people are raised on; if a person has been blessed with wealth, it is always good to help those less fortunate. However, there comes a time when too much is too much. The United States, among other countries, developed the practice of foreign aid after World War II. It was designed to help those countries in desperate need of temporary help when they could not manage on their own. Foreign aid is something that has been in effect over the last few decades and…
Australia’s international aid program aims to help reduce poverty and promote economic independence in developing countries. Australia offers two types of aid, bilateral and multilateral aid. Bilateral aid is given directly to the government of the developing country by Australia’s government and is used for health, education and training programs, technology and technical support, community based projects such as building hospitals and schools, and emergency support. Multilateral aid includes all forms of official development assistance. This form of aid is used for large-scale emergency relief projects such as those involving large numbers of refugees, large infrastructure, health, education and training problems, as well as global problems such as global warming and the spread of diseases.…
Each year, Australia spends billions of dollars on providing aid to poorer countries to improve health systems, poverty, education as well as providing immediate assistance when natural disasters hit. The Australian Government's overseas aid program is improving the lives of millions of people in developing countries. The statement saying “Australia has an ethical and moral responsibility to provide aid to countries which are less well off” is debateable. The provision of aid by Australia inevitably has cultural, economic and geopolitical impacts. Whether these impacts are positive or negative for Australia to some extent depends on perspective. There are several advantages as well as disadvantages associated with Australia providing aid which can be seen as both positive and negative impacts on Australia. Advantages include that it improves regional relations and it creates future markets for our goods and services. However on the other side, disadvantages include harm to Australia’s international relations, it encourages culture of dependence and as well as other negative impacts of the developing countries.…
Australia has many global and regional links with other countries in the world. A positive link that Australia has with other countries is International Aid. Aid provides new markets for Australia to import and export to, reduces poverty and provides better access to educational and medical services for those in need. But giving aid can encourage a ‘culture of dependence’ and aid can be distributes in the wrong way or to the wrong people.…
Aid is an important part of our world that helps to improve and benefit the lives of others. Aid is financial or physical support from countries or public organisations to other states that are in times of need. While Aid is most often perceived as help to regions that have suffered from natural disasters, it comes in many forms. Aid is also not often provided because of good will and generosity from countries, it is used strategically to benefit both receiving and providing parties. Financial support form Australia has changed over time, and now heading towards an all time low. Without aid, rehabilitation of countries would be a much harder, strenuous process. Australia alone have helped to “cut global poverty by 50 percent in the last 10 years”- OXFAM. Providing resources and money to countries in need is essential for an ever evolving and expanding world.…
Johnston’s (2010) definition is “that international development- true development-entails a ranges of supports and actions that enables and empowers poor people and poor countries to take charge of their own affairs. Foreign aid is a contributor to development, but development entails much more than foreign aid” (55). Lancaster contributes to this definition mentioned above, by noting that foreign aid has multiple goals in mind, with “one purpose of which is to promote long-term beneficial change, including poverty reduction, in the recipient country” (Lancaster, 2009, 799).…
One of the most controversial subjects in todays United States is Foreign Aid, which is the aid given to other countries by the United States from the U.S. revenue, that is based on the tax dollars of American citizens. Most foreign aid goes through the United States Agency for International Development. There are three main kinds of foreign aid: military aid, food aid, and financial aid. The countries that the U.S. provides financial aid to can be categorized into three groups: Countries that are recovering from war, developing countries, and countries that hold strategic importance to the United States. Currently some American citizens have concerns regarding foreign aid. The majority of the population wants to know why the U.S. should keep funding countries that they believe hate them while the economy in the U.S. is already suffering. Even though these concerns are valid and to the point, it doesn’t change the importance of continued U.S. foreign aid on humanitarian and political grounds. Foreign aid is a necessity if the United States wants to keep its position as the strongest country in the world, a position the United States has held since the World War II, because when you are the strongest country in the world you will have strong enemies. In this case you will need strong alliances to protect your country and balance of nations through out the world.…
36% of Africans live on less than a dollar a day. 20% of the population is undernourished. However, people in foreign countries can help the poorer people by donating to trustworthy charities, and giving aid to the poor Africans who need it the most. Critics of aid say that giving aid to Africans creates stereotypes and doesn’t focus on creating a good economy of government. But it is more important to keep people alive than to create a good government and economy. You need able, healthy citizens to create a good workforce for a country, which is extremely difficult in Sub-Saharan Africa without foreign aid. Aid is needed in Africa because many people would die, it helps to get better death rates and accessible healthcare, and giving aid to keep people alive is more important that improving government.…
Majewski, John. "Third World Development: Foreign Aid or Free Trade?" The Freeman. Foundation for Economic Education, n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2012. <>…