Defence has its own role in Australia, with its foreign affair policies Australia’s priorities and its own unique geographical its great defense is focus in the Asia-Pacific region. Defence in Australia adapts to different challenges such as security issues, economies, border linkages and much more. These perk help us ally with three major powers and economies’ which are The United States, China and Indonesia which is Australia’s largest neighbour. All this has different links in forms of regional alliances and treaties and peacekeeping efforts.
Main policies on defence in Australia is to focus on Australian territory and strategic internet that can be tied with the rest of the world. We support International community …show more content…
Some measures are, Coastal surveillance, Air Crafts and Helicopters with night capabilities.
Types of Defence Australia has is an Army of 25 356, Air force of 13 368 and a Navy of 13 089 making a grand total of 51 813, all this protects Australia and helps with all the other need of defence.
While defence in Australia is good it definitely has its political, culture and economical disadvantages.
Some advantages in Australia:
-We are protecting most of the Asia pacific as that mean we keep a national interest with a strong military and protect Australia.
-We also decrease the threat of terrorism as we are sending many forces to go fight war on terror and that decreases it.
-Creating Stability in the Asia-Pacific region as in Australia is located in an unstable region politically and it’s our regional interest to stabilise the region and be ready for military need.
-Australia’s defence is providing many more jobs as there are around 53 000 people employed by the Australian defence force and with all these jobs Education and training is …show more content…
-We may be seen as a threat to other countries
-Australian involvement increase terrorism or the threat of it as we are fighting wars in Iraq is can cause terrorist attacks in Australia
-Having defence, good defence at least is high cost in Australia and that causes problems such as the government being blamed for not spending it more on education, health and welfare or even tax cuts. The Australian Defence Force received $16.35 billion for 2004-2005.
-We may take the independency of a country away by allowing them to rely too much on out help rendering them dependent
-Our own solider being injured or killed during military conflict
Social justice and equity implications in Australia’s defence is there, defence in Australia provides a security to all residents so they can live a just life where they are not trapped under another nation and they Australian citizens will have freedom. We also send oversea deployments and improve security, create peace and social justice in places needed such as East Timor. We have also achieved many other goal such as Indonesia as they have a provision of social services and security reinforcement. Although social justice isn’t always reached as there are problems. Some problems include discrimination in the giving of aid, relocations and there may be government assisted land grabs and arrests, sexual and gender