Our world today cannot be known without computers, they have become part of our daily life. Despite the usefulness of computers, we must take into account a number of drawbacks.
Some of the benefits of using a computer are that they enable us to be more deft and efficient in our work due to the possibility of typing quickly, correcting typing errors without notice, modifying texts without having to rewrite them, searching information simultaneously and more. In addition, computers allow greater ease and comfort when communicating through the internet, you can talk with people from all around the world and even share music or videos with them. Internet offers nowadays everything, making free calls from foreign countries, doing shopping, storing all kind of information and millions of things unthinkable a few decades ago.
But on the other hand we have to be conscious of the computer’s drawbacks. Many jobs have been lost due to the fact that computer can do lots of tasks more efficiently than humans. This has led to high unemployment in many countries. Furthermore some people when working from home with computer are far more likely to feel cut off from rest of the world. Moreover, in general, people have difficulties to move away work from their private lives because when they finish their job and get home, most of the times, they continue working, they never disconnect!
In conclusion, I would say that we have to learn how to manage computers, we have to take advantage of the facilities that they provide us, avoiding becoming their slaves, which means being able to live without them, not being dependents.