Nowadays NATO is an ongoing concern in our country. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a military alliance created on the purpose of collective defense. Also it is strengthening cooperation among its members, but despite this, the subject of joining NATO is very controversial. Yet much can be said in favour and against it. First of all, one of the positive points it that, NATO helps for its member states to create their defensive programs and consults them in the economic and other areas. In addition to this, joining NATO is appealing to small countries, which are unable to defend themselves and NATO helps for its member states when a problem of defense rises. Needless to say, it encourages greater investment, assures the stability and rapid economical development. These three factors are the most important for every country, especially to a small one like Lithuania. Moreover, the subject of joining NATO is apparently contradictory because it is rather difficult to decide what it better for small country: to be a member of a military organization or to be a neutral country. Actually, it is cheaper to join NATO than stay a neutral country and build all security systems and a professional army without a help from foreign countries. What is more, joining NATO does not mean what we will loose a part of our independence, this organization is not interested in our internal politics, but apart from this, if a big problem rises NATO is always available to help. During the negotiations with other countries which are not members of this organization, member states of NATO are likely to make arrangements for the common position and this as a result increases the power of NATO. On the other hand, we can not forget the drawbacks and the main one is that preparation to join NATO requires from 8 to 10 mln. Litas. Some of people would be happier if such a sum of money would be
Nowadays NATO is an ongoing concern in our country. NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a military alliance created on the purpose of collective defense. Also it is strengthening cooperation among its members, but despite this, the subject of joining NATO is very controversial. Yet much can be said in favour and against it. First of all, one of the positive points it that, NATO helps for its member states to create their defensive programs and consults them in the economic and other areas. In addition to this, joining NATO is appealing to small countries, which are unable to defend themselves and NATO helps for its member states when a problem of defense rises. Needless to say, it encourages greater investment, assures the stability and rapid economical development. These three factors are the most important for every country, especially to a small one like Lithuania. Moreover, the subject of joining NATO is apparently contradictory because it is rather difficult to decide what it better for small country: to be a member of a military organization or to be a neutral country. Actually, it is cheaper to join NATO than stay a neutral country and build all security systems and a professional army without a help from foreign countries. What is more, joining NATO does not mean what we will loose a part of our independence, this organization is not interested in our internal politics, but apart from this, if a big problem rises NATO is always available to help. During the negotiations with other countries which are not members of this organization, member states of NATO are likely to make arrangements for the common position and this as a result increases the power of NATO. On the other hand, we can not forget the drawbacks and the main one is that preparation to join NATO requires from 8 to 10 mln. Litas. Some of people would be happier if such a sum of money would be