Branding - the process is extremely complicated and expensive. First, a creative studio comes up with its concept. Then the ad agency creates ads that invented the "outdoor advertising" and plans to BTL-actions. Then comes the turn to media buyers, who are developing an advertising campaign and buy it at the time on radio and television, the band in print periodicals, and billboards. As the supporting forces here are the PR and brand managers who are trying to convey "message of the" brand to a targeted audience. It goes without saying that all companies from time to time want to save energy and money and use the popularity of already well-promoted brand to bring to market a new product. Brands, combining under one name several different products, called "umbrella". The effectiveness of this method of advertising communication says creative director of the Moscow office of Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux AG Edwin Schmidheiny. He opposes the managing partner BrandLab Moscow Alexander Eremenko, who believes monobrendy more effective.
Edwin Schmidheiny, Interbrand Zintzmeyer & Lux AG:
"Umbrella" strategy is quite suitable for creating a strong brand. The product can successfully move as under the wing of an existing brand, and created especially for him. It all depends on the path chosen by your marketing department. Monolithic corporate brands are well-suited, for example, for companies that produce commodities. When the firm has a strong corporate brand and its products are not much different from competitors' products, there is usually no need to invest in the sub-brands. Umbrella brand helps bring to market new products and services, and those, in turn, reinforce his position. Such an approach requires a consistent and extremely balanced communications strategy, because of failure of each product as reflected in people's perception of an umbrella brand, as well as success. As an example of a strong corporate