This work will describe the advantages and disadvantages of a union for a cashier at Wal-Mart. It will present some ways a union could benefit the cashiers and also ways a union could be harmful to them. Unions could protect the cashiers from the abuse of the company. On the other hand, unions could also abuse in their demands hurting all the employees. Finally, this paper will show my viewpoint on the unions as beneficial or not to cashiers at Wal-Mart.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Union The word union evokes strength. However, when people talk about labor unions, the effects can be both positive and negative. Mathis and Jackson (2011) state, “union is a formal association of workers that promotes the interest of its members through collective actions” (p. 540). Cashiers at Wal-Mart have a lot of responsibility. First of all, they work with cash, products, prices, and, the most important, they work directly with customers providing service., Tthey have a key role in the store. The advantage of having a union at Wal-Mart for a cashier would be that the union would negotiate better pay and benefits for them. Some of the benefits for the cashiers are: 1. Cashiers have to deal with different type of customers and sometimes they encounter difficult situations. With these risks and conditions, a union can protect them from those working conditions and request to keep their work. (Not sure what you mean)Union could save them from certain customer’s complaints.
2. A way a union can be of benefit to a cashier is being the obvious in a pay increase or an above minimum wage salary to start. Another way would be time off or not working long hours, such as on special sales dates.
The disadvantage would be, being pressured from co-workers to join a union and paying for something that a cashier may not believe in. The work
References: Mathis, R. L. (2011). Union/Management Relations. In R. L. Mathis, Human Resource Management (pp. 538-572). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.