The great appeal of democracy is that is allows for the peaceful resolution of differences between a country's social, cultural, and regional groups.…
Hello my fellow ambassadors I will inform you on the pros and cons of democracy and monarchy.I will also explain what government is better for my country.…
|Type of Government |Advantages |Disadvantages |Picture Example | | |An advantage is that |A disadvantage can be if the |[pic] | |Representative Democracy |the people are usually |rights of the minority are not | | |(Presidential) |behind most of the |protected against the will of | | |Definition: |things the government |the majority. | | |A representative |does, because in theory| | | |democracy would be a |it has the support of | | | |government where people |the majority. | | | |would elect their leaders| | | | |and the leaders in power | | | | |would have the power to | | | | |rule and make laws. | | |…
There are many advantages of a greater use of direct democracy. For example, everybody would be able to vote on every issue. This is good because it means everyone would be able to have a say, and would overall create a fairer system of governing. Also it means that we won’t be let down by our representatives, because in our current system our representatives are able to make decisions which many people would be against. As well as this, it would stop the need of pressure groups and lobbying etc, as everyone’s view is already taken into consideration. This would help stop extremist groups who act outside the law, and may cause trouble. Another advantage is that all policies made are all based on the majority of people’s views, which means there would be a lot less opposition towards any policies or bills passed. This will result in a decrease in politically started riots or demonstrations. An example of one of these riots is the ‘May Day Riots’ of 2001.…
The great appeal of democracy is that it allows for the peaceful resolution of differences between a country’s social, cultural and regional groups. Democratic institutions gained ground in Eastern Europe and in Russia during the last decade. Since 1991, democracy has become the norm in Latin America.…
Representative democracy means the selection of government officials by a vote of the people in periodic elections open to competition in which candidates and voters can freely express themselves (quote). In other words, this is like the United States currently is. When elections are held, candidates run for election and voters vote to determine what candidate is the best for the job. The elected official will then represent the people in which he serves and vote on issues that are presented.…
Democracy as a political system first emerged in ancient Greece and Rome. It encourages the participation of citizens in the election of their representatives in government. Democratic countries also observe human rights. In most democratic countries, power is balanced between various arms of government in order to promote checks and balances. In addition, many of these countries have a constitution that they adhere to.…
Although it seems like direct democracy would give an accurate representation of the population, a representative democracy provides more fair and equal decisions. This is because representatives can make decisions while keeping the minority in mind. In a direct democracy, the majority will always come out on top, simply because there are more people. Also, representatives are not emotionally invested in every issue, so they can make more logical and rational decisions. People often prioritize their values and beliefs over the welfare of others when voting on representatives, and they will do the same when they vote on important issues.…
Firstly a democratic government is a government in which the people get to vote. If the voting is not rigged then the government will not be as enforcing or powerful, people could choose what laws the government should enforce if they can get 50% of the populations votes. On the other hand a totalitarian government gives no power the the citizens of their country. This can cause the killings of millions of citizens. Secondly in a democracy you have your favorite candidate elected into office.…
1. Describe the importance of political thinking in a democracy and the current barriers to political thinking among the public.…
Now with democracy it equals the power so know body has too much power. So now there is a need for wars, laws, and human rights have to be agreed on by groups of people and not one person. This gives people the feeling that they get their word out,…
Democracy matter in many different ways influence human to chase their freedom and liberty,some countries didn’t have democracy is mean they can’t aspire democracy?No.citizen who want democracy still contend with military forces get their wants.…
The United States is said to be and has the properties of a democracy. A democracy is defined as a government in which the people decide matters directly through town hall meetings or voting on a ballot box. There have been a few major laws passed that have been passed by Supreme Court in which the people didn’t have a vote or consent on the law. Two examples of this are legalizing gay marriage and gun laws. The United States has also in a way turned into an oligarchy. It has come to where the rich are starting to rule the country. If the U.S was truly a democracy the government would look to all of the people for their vote and consent on a law, and their should be equality between the first, middle, and lower class people.…
Democracy has disadvantages as well as advantages; but some are decisions take a long time to make, bad use of funds, and instigates corruption. An example of the bad use of funds is America has 19 trillion dollars in debt from the using funds poorly. Therefore many other governments could be a better choice than Democracy. Many things that America does spend their money on could be put to better things such as college funds, but also at the same time could put America further in debt.…
over their country, or cause damage to its economy or society for a long period of time3. Democracy also allows for every individual over a certain age, if they choose to, the chance to have 'a say ' in the government that is in power. This is normally carried out via numerical voting systems where each individual is given the count of one vote. Democracies also allow competing parties to…