One reason is that the framers did not trust the ability of the people to make important decisions like a well-informed representative could. There was an ideal of elitism at the and not even every white male was allowed to elect a local official. The framers did not want a population with inadequate education to be making the decisions for their newly formed nation, therefore they adopted the republican form government. The trustee model of congressional representation consists of the congressional representative voting on issues based on his/her own views, whether or not they conflict with the views of his/her constituency. It is called the attitudinal view because they representative acts based on his/her own values. The delegate model of congressional representation consists of the representative voting based on the views of his/her constituency regardless of his/her views. It is called the representational view because the representative implements the values of his/her
One reason is that the framers did not trust the ability of the people to make important decisions like a well-informed representative could. There was an ideal of elitism at the and not even every white male was allowed to elect a local official. The framers did not want a population with inadequate education to be making the decisions for their newly formed nation, therefore they adopted the republican form government. The trustee model of congressional representation consists of the congressional representative voting on issues based on his/her own views, whether or not they conflict with the views of his/her constituency. It is called the attitudinal view because they representative acts based on his/her own values. The delegate model of congressional representation consists of the representative voting based on the views of his/her constituency regardless of his/her views. It is called the representational view because the representative implements the values of his/her