Integrating the U.S. Air Force into established regional alliances that focus on maintaining stability is an efficient way to demonstrate America’s commitment to its allies. Increased forward basing of Air Force units will improve partnership cooperation and provide a better understanding of regional air domains while it demonstrates America’s commitment to shaping regional security. “Maintaining an Air Force with global power projection capabilities is crucial” to the rebalance strategy. Reducing ground forces to pay for robust airpower increases the need for the air domain assets to contribute to a greater portion of decisive operations. Joint Force 2025 will need a wide array of air force capabilities. This includes modernized and survivable aircraft to defeat conventional A2/AD systems, strategic lift to project power and drones to counter asymmetrical …show more content…
A rebalanced force must effectively defend the homeland, build global security, project power and win decisive engagements. Time tested nuclear defense systems will provide the deterrence to defend the homeland. National Guard DSCA capabilities will provide domestic response. Improved partnerships and alliances will form the base for building efficient global security capable of shaping regional tensions to prevent conflict escalation. Each service component must be trained, equipped and manned to maintain America’s relative dominance in all domains of the global commons. Freedom of action across all domains is paramount to maintaining the overmatch needed to project power and win decisive