* On a mission to keep you comfortable…and make you better. * Every Under Armour product is designed to make you better. Cooler in hot weather. Warmer when it’s cold. More able to adapt when conditions change. Under Armour understands your clothing needs and the demands of tactical gear to cover all seasons, climates, and conditions. By employing only the finest microfiber fabrics and advanced ergonomic design, Under Armour has engineered the ultimate Moisture Transport System in garments that actually recognize and work with your musculature to provide support, reduce muscular vibration, lessen fatigue, efficiently wick away moisture, and help maintain optimum core temperatures. You choose the fit, weight, and temperature control characteristics to match conditions and your own preferences. It all works together to keep you cool, dry, and light—throughout the course of a demanding shift, an intense tactical operation and the cool-down that follows, or just another quiet day…when you’ve got to be ready for whatever, and wherever, duty sends you.
Skin0tight compression suit
Wicking is the word * Occasionally, a product finds its way to store shelves that backs its claims up with proven results. Introduced originally as a new T-shirt design, the Under Armour brand of athletic apparel now has practically dominated the market. It's being worn by athletes in nearly every conceivable sport. Under Armour has