While communicating with physicians through a webcam, it is very easy to face problems with the signal on these devices. This can cause the doctor to be unable to determine the illness, or even worse, misdiagnose the patient. Family Medicine practitioner, Mark Rood, says, “Because your appointment depends on technology, you’re at the mercy of anything that can interrupt your connection — bad weather, loss of power or even outdated software. Furthermore, the development of smartphone applications that can check vitals and monitor your health are rapidly increasing. In many cases this is a good thing, however; sometimes this prevents people from going to seek professional help when they are able to attempt diagnosing themselves. Fox News says, “As these forms of communication become more common, it is important to remember that virtual communication with a doctor is no substitute for immediate care in an
While communicating with physicians through a webcam, it is very easy to face problems with the signal on these devices. This can cause the doctor to be unable to determine the illness, or even worse, misdiagnose the patient. Family Medicine practitioner, Mark Rood, says, “Because your appointment depends on technology, you’re at the mercy of anything that can interrupt your connection — bad weather, loss of power or even outdated software. Furthermore, the development of smartphone applications that can check vitals and monitor your health are rapidly increasing. In many cases this is a good thing, however; sometimes this prevents people from going to seek professional help when they are able to attempt diagnosing themselves. Fox News says, “As these forms of communication become more common, it is important to remember that virtual communication with a doctor is no substitute for immediate care in an