This is a website informing towards young people some advantages and disadvantages of public transport. Many of us are in these days use our own vehicles to get to our destination and utilizing it as our ‘daily use’, whereas numbers of public transport are reducing since many people are passing their driving test and buying their own cars. This is leading to pollution in the Earth; hence I will be mentioning some advantages and disadvantages of public transport. Firstly, I will be talking about the disadvantages of it.
Public Transport causes some passengers to wait at the station or at the bus stop, which really wastes a person’s valuable time. It may also lead someone losing their job. If there’s bad weather i.e. snow, rain etc, then a person can’t get any heating system in the bus stop nor can he get it in the train station. This can be another reason for falling into a serious illness of someone. In this case any children or any other adult person will lose out on something which is really essential.
One of the disadvantages of public transport is that they do not check a person’s bag or properties if there’s any dangerous property, like the way it gets done in the airport. Therefore, public transport gives everyone the opportunity to ride in it safely. Therefore, there could be any terrorist attack or hustling if someone uses the public transport, due to that number of people die this includes children as well. Many people return to their destination and they end up losing their property. This situation everyone faces, especially when there’s people are packed inside the bus or train.
Public transport doesn’t make anyone feel comfortable nor does it make anyone feel hygienic. This causes because of those people who smokes, stays dirty and like to vandalise those items due to these it put up a bad image on public