Leadership is something I strive for in my everyday life. In Troop 157 I have had many opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills. In troop 157 I have been a quartermaster, senior patrol leader, and I am currently an assistant senior patrol leader. I was also a den chief with troop 868. I have planned 4 trips so far and also guided other scouts in their planning. At school I practice leadership in Skills USA, which is a business oriented club. In this organization I am the Junior Officer and I assist in the planning of events.…
Being a leader seems rather simple by definition. One that is followed by other is a leader. However, the trivial aspects are uncovered when you ask what makes followers follow a leader, how far are they willing to follow them, and does where the leader want to go a reason for the following?…
It’s not about you, it’s about your followers and putting them ahead of you. Being a leader can also involve risks and you may also have to do things that are out of your character. In Glory, Private Thomas Searles and Private Silas Trip had to fight to take care of their regiment. No matter what the situation was they stood strong and did not give up. They were willing to go to battle for their regiment. Private Trip and Thomas Searles were great examples of true leaders. Although Private Trip and Thomas seals came from to different lifestyles and have different personalities, they were the bravest and courageous soldiers in the 54th Regiment. It was nice to see that with honesty comes respect and with respect comes…
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Said by Steve Jobs. Being in Jrotc had taught me many things. I first joined as a sophomore. I didn't know what to expect. Since I’ve started JROTC I’ve been challenged mentally, physically, and emotionally. I have learned how to work more as a team and learn about leadership. Most things I’ve learned in JROTC I probably wouldn't have learned in my other classes. Cadets have managed to overcome many fears, tears, lifelong friendships, and unforgettable memories. Therefore, Jrotc builds character and leadership by its many activities such as conducting color guards, being apart of the chain of command, and being apart of the raider team.…
At the end of my junior year, I earned the rank Lieutenant Commander. With this rank I am in charge of the whole unit and have to know how to lead people in the best way. By going to leadership academy and a leadership conference, I realized there are different ways to lead different people. Realizing this is crucial because I cannot approach someone in a situation the same way I did with another person, I learned how to talk to certain people based on their personality.…
I am a leader. I have all the qualities that make a great leader, but I was not born this way.Experiences and how someone reacts to those experiences are what truly make a leader. One of the most influential experiences I have gone through is called the Lebanon High School Marching Band. I am certain that I wouldn’t be who I am today if it weren’t for marching band. Before coming to high school I already had leadership qualities, but band helped bring all those great qualities together and helped me get past my two major flaws: my lack of self-confidence and the fact that I was probably one of the shyest people you would EVER meet. When I joined marching band, I spent most of my waking hours sweating and suffering alongside wonderful people that I longed to…
The statement “Be a leader and not a follower” is to always be looking for a chance to stand up and take charge. Leadership is key to success, therefore to be a leader you are able to express your ideas, take on large tasks and be able to be a role model for others. I look for any possible…
Leadership is one of the most important parts of my life that I am constantly trying to develop. One of my biggest leadership roles…
Leading Marines is the greatest resource that I have come across so far for guidance and motivation in becoming a leader of Marines. In one neat sentence located in the forward, we are given everything that sums up what is expected of future leaders of Marines: "Our actions as Marines every day must embody the legacy of those who went before us." Marines have a great expectation to live up to, and as commissioned officers we must absolutely carry on the tradition of excellent leadership that has come before us. This leadership comes in many forms under many different conditions. As there are no two people who are exactly alike, there is no single way to lead. Leadership is learned not born; one must utilize personal traits and experiences to find his way of leading. I draw some of my leadership style and experience from leading a football team, O.C.S., and principles I have learned from my parents, while others may draw on school, physical challenges, or any other of their personal experiences. This doctrine is meant to help the leader understand the excellence that they are inheriting, and to give guidance on developing one's own leadership style.…
Military leadership isn’t simply about leading a group of individuals to accomplish the mission. On the surface it may seem this way; a barrage of loud, authoritative orders being barked out to brainwashed enlistees. This is how the preponderance of the masses that aren’t associated with the military may see us. However, it’s much, much more than that. Military leadership is about leading individuals to become something more than they ever thought they could be. To develop an individual into one of integrity and excellence. To help them reach goals they never thought possible and to consider a world beyond their own. Truly, there is no other form of leadership quite like it.…
First of all, I display excellent leadership skills. For example, in JROTC I am the 1st Sergeant and it isn't a rank that just anyone could get. I am responsible for correcting uniform violations, the accountability for all cadets in Alpha company , as well as taking control of the company in the absence of all officers. Being the 1st Sergeant takes a lot of discipline and attention to the job because if something goes left it all falls on me. I also served as Beta Club secretary 8th grade year and co-secretary my 9th and 10th grade years.As secretary, it was my duty to ensure that meetings are organized, recorded and minuted. Notes from past meetings had to be handled properly and decisions made during those meetings had to be recorded and presented to the everyone.One of the lessons that is taught in JROTC is to lead , you first must serve others.…
Think back to the first time you ever heard of the damages of adversity. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of the damages of adversity. Until recently considered taboo amongst polite society, it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought. Inevitably the damages of adversity is often misunderstood by those most reliant on technology, who just don't like that sort of thing. Complex though it is I shall now attempt to provide an exaustive report on the damages of adversity and its numerous 'industries'.…
No one is born a leader, and for sure no one jumps into a leadership role without first being a follower. No matter how many times you here the phrase “A good leader is also a good follower” or if you never heard of it before, it still holds itself to be true. But before a follower can become a leader, one must be a good follower to prove their self to become that leader. There are plenty different aspects of a good follower. Some for example according to The Latimer Group would be to carry one’s own weight, celebrating performance of others, and contributing to the process. There are also plenty of leaders in history who showed excellent followership before they went on to become a leader. Good followers are important because bad ones could cause problems both internally and externally within an organization.…
It all began when I arrived in 1-504th at Ft Bragg, NC in October of 2000 from Korea as a promotable Specialist with only 4 years in the army. I had only been a Specialist for a month when the chain of command decides that I was ready to be a sergeant without ever leading soldiers during training. In January 2001 I attended the Primary Leadership course where I was supposed to learn how to be a leader. After graduating from the course I was given a…
As a LET 1, my career may have been brief, but it's been exhilarating. I've learned so much about esprit de corps, teamwork, and, one of our most recent lessons, leadership. I've seen some cadets take this lesson to heart, becoming leaders themselves. We have learned so much about this vital topic, such as what a leader must provide, how a leader should behave, and different approaches a leader should use. However, there's nothing a book can teach you that firsthand experience won't. While I haven't been leading that much (and I hope to do more later on), as the follower, I've seen qualities in leaders that have proven vital for any team.…