Case Study Analysis
The Power of Advertising
Submitted by: Dian Claudette Onias
Submitted to: Mrs. Carlota Neri
In 1882, Harley Procter convicted the board of Procter & Gamble to give him $11,000.00 for an outdoor advertising campaign for Ivory soap. The board was skeptical, but Procter’s status as son of one of the founders probably helped the board see thing his way. Soon after, Procter’s ads for Ivory Soap started showing up on street-cars, fences, and storefront, and in magazines. The ads boasted that Ivory soap was “99.44/100 percent pure” and encouraged people to tell the company what they thought about the product. Before long, P&G’s Cincinnati headquarters was deluged with responses from satisfied Ivory Soap users. Thus, a modern advertising giant was born. For decades, P&G has been among the world’s leading advertisers (its $1.7 billionin advertising spending in 1999 ranked second only to General Motor’s). In 1933, P&G created the radio soap opera as a vehicle to promote its Oxydol brand laundry detergent. In a typical 15-minute program, the name Oxydol was mentioned about two dozen times. Within a year, sales of the product had doubled. In the 1950s, P&G turned to television and was sponsoring 13 nationally televised soap operas by the middle of that decade. By the 1970s, characters from P&G ads had become pop culture icons. You may remember Mr. Whipple, who pleaded with shoppers not to squeeze the Charmin, or Rosie the waitress, who always had a roll of Bounty towels to clean up any spill. A 1985 survey showed that 93% of female shoppers recognized the smiling face of Mr. Clean while only 56% could identify then Vice President George Bush.
Statement of the problem: When an analysis is done carefully, they may find a need to do more TV, more traditional media, not less? Reaction: P&G is popular in our country because of their strong