One of the most effective advertising strategies to persuade consumers is emotional words. In this strategy, advertisers use words that leave us with positive feelings are used to describe a product, person, or idea. By using these words, advertisers can bring across positive feelings about their product to consumers. Consumers can be convinced by the simple use of words such as “love, adore, hate, care.” These words bring out the positive emotions and feeling in people without needing to include the facts. In the article “Form of propaganda,” David stated that emotional words technique can even support a weak argument, or obscure a good argument’s logical focus. Emotional words can trigger a variety of responses such as fear, pity, hope, anger, guilt, desire, compassion, pleasure, or flattery. For instance, when you see a commercial on television about cruelty to animals with images of poor and abused dogs and cats, you can’t help but feel bad, that you should do something. You respond emotionally. Because of catching consumers feeling effective, emotional words is the most popular technique which advertisers can use to manipulate their consumers.
Another technique to persuade