Q1. Discuss the changing communications landscape and the need for integrated marketing communications
Branding is a term now commonly known i.e., giving a product a separate unique identity so that it can be differentiated from other products. Before branding came into existence, producers would produce the product and then try to directly sell it to the customers. Nowadays a product is produced and then given to different outlets so there is no direct interaction between producers and consumers, thus branding came into existence.
There are 4 P's in the simplified version of the Marketing Mix namely; Product, Price, Place and Promotion. We will be discussing the 5 tools of promotion and the importance of an Integrated Marketing Communications.
Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together.
At its most basic level, Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC is integrating all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony.
These promotional tools include;
Direct selling
Advertising through Media
Sales Promotion
Public relations and Sponsorship
Because of the change of how media is used customers are now aware of the products and their features. It has also become easy for customers to give feedback on their purchase
It is driven by:
Market dynamics
Continued academic inputs in the trade and academic literature
The fact that from its earliest beginnings, the development was embraced and supported by 'gurus' in the generic marketing discipline
The wide spread adoption of IMC by advertising agencies around the world, who were themselves driven by organizational exigency. Thus, ad- agencies are now integrated agencies.
The apparent adaptation of IMC by major companies around the world, integrated approaches make sense to businesses, and to agencies who service their needs.
The need to have 'promotion'