Advertising has today become one of the most important aspects of all the businesses and to imagine the life sans it is almost impossible. Advertising was quite ingenuous a few decades back, much competition. However, the simplicity in advertising did not continue for long. In the recent past, there was growth of innumerable broadcast and TV channels. The national dailies and magazines also grew multifold. It was the time for advertisers to search for the right medium to reach the customers. Apart from the traditional medium, many other media options, which were never heard before, are now available. The production technology can now provide special effects to the advertisements. The web advertising, an interactive media, is a prime example of technological advancements. Today, the advertising has become an indispensable tool of the corporate world. It has undergone a sea change and is still moving towards unpredictability. The practitioner cannot really predict the future of advertising.
The pace of living has increased tremendously. The modern men are always fighting for time. They are always ‘on the go’ i.e. moving from place to place doing something worthwhile or useless. In the process they are being constantly exposed to advertising. Sometimes they welcome advertising and other times they try to avoid it. We have learnt to live with advertising and at other times they try to avoid it. We have learnt to live with advertising because it catches unaware. Advertisements are part of our life. Right from the morning when we rise and still such time at night when we retire, we are constantly exposed to advertising through newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, poster, handbill and so on.
Advertising is now being used more frequently to meet social problems as evidenced by campaigns dealing with no smoking, drug abuse, crime prevention, family planning, rehabilitation of the handicapped,