* Advertising creates desire and implies that the product makes you happy * - talking positively about something will make people chose it * - advertising provides things with a meaning * The type of product being advertised is not really important
Advertisers perform a useful service to out community
* Advertising creates mass markets therefore goods are cheap * Purpose is not only to sell goods but to inform For example: we get information about household goods from advertisments e.g washing – machine,details performance, price etc. * Some claim they never read advertisments: doubtful * > brighten up railway stations, newspapers ( would you prefer a blank wall y waiting for the train?) * Small ads: service to community, anything can be accomplished for example find a job, buy, sell hourse,announce birth, marriage , death * Contribution to our pockets: revenue for newspapers, commercial broadcasting, cost of newspaper if we paid full price? * help to underwrite the cost of newspapers, teleevision and radio stations which provide us with news and entertainment and they let people know what goods and services are available to the community often including when certain items are on sale and therefore a better value for the consumer. * drives customers to businesses which provide the goods and services to the community as well as providing jobs to the community. Without advertising it's likely that our choices as consumers would be less and that job opportunities might be lower as well. * Contra * advertisments is an insidious form of brainwashing, using same techniques : slogans , catch phraces , etc * It creates demand for things we don’t nettt * Advertising is offensive : appeals to baser instincts , e.g preys on our fears , our vaniy , our greed etc ( We are encouraged to buy insurance ( fear) , buy cosmetic ( vanity) , eat more than necessary ( greed) * Cheapen the quality of life: most advertisments are in poor taste * Big companies make too much profig for example “free gifts” in soap pockets, coupons in cigarette packs , etc * Good quality products don’t need to be advertised
Books , films and plays should be censored
* Put yourself in a position of a parent: woud you let your children read any book , see any film? If yes you are irresponsible, if no , your exercising as a parents right to protect children, you are acting as a censor therefore you are admitting a case for censorship * Children need protection , not all adults are mature enough to decide whats good for the, * Censorship is good for society as a whole * Censorship is like the law : for the common good, since civilized people might do without laws but not the whole society * People think a censor must not interfere with works of art Censors are extremely liberal : recognize merit, and majority of books,plays films are not works of art * Unscroupulous people produce anything in the name of art and exploit vast pornography market * Tendency to equate “artistic” and pornographic * Censorship prevents profits from corrupting minds of others * Absolute freedom equals anarchse * Censor :wise counsel, restraining influence
* Parents protecting their children is not relevant to the argument, * Books plays films should be considered under common law and not under special censorship code * Censorship limits and controls the way people feel and think. It leads to : in totalitarian countrys: outrageous decisions, not consistent with the ideals of democracy * Censorship does not prevent pornography, market always exists and is exploited whether there is a censor or not. * Censors do not distinguish between works of art and others. They cut and ban idiscrimanately: make subjective desictions * Banning books etc has the effect of drawing attention to them and vastly increasing sales * This can never happen in a society free from censorship eg. Denmakr
Apart from being reporters, journalists are also interpreters and teachers
Pro :
-newspapers serve the general welfare by informing people and enable them to make judgments on the issues of time - they can teach as they decidee what to write about - children / ppl believe what journalists write
- they can easily teach since more ppl are willing to learn something by reading a newspaper than going to school
They can manipulate the ppl and show them their own opinion * They have a huge influence on people and might give false information * There area always contraints concerning reporting news such as that the length of the radio or article Is shortned * The editior always decides what will be published and what not * Journalists usually only write something the reader acutally want to read The submitted material is always different from the material that Is acutally published since a lot of people work on it and make changes and adaptions
TV destroys family life
Pro: People spend more time watching TV than doing things with their family * Since the adults are watching TV all the time, they don't talk to the children and as a result the kids have very low self esteem. * television deprives children of the social contact they need for mental and physical development * television has contributed to the end of innocence by eroding the divisions between adulthood and childhood. * parents must take responsibility for ensuring that their children enjoy a variety of activities, both educational and playful. * Start eating in front of tv , don’t talk anymore * They tune out the rest of the world ,but makes ppl not relate muchwith the family since they are all busy watching TV * When the TV is on they cant talk, its like being starved for conversation * It has taken away the childrens ability to form pics in their minds * -instead of playing games children now watch tv * It creates the illusion of having done something while all they do is sit at home * Contra:
-television is actually a useful means to strengthen relations between friends and family members. - The TV watching moments are family-and-friend reunions and people sit around the table, creating such a cozy environment. - TV programs are sources of topics for family members and friends, sparking off such hot debates and discussions after hours of working hard and when it is too boring to talk only about work. In this way, we understand each other more. - in times of relationship troubles with parents or friends like arguments or quarrels, a psychological trouble-shooting programs or emotional films with right-in-time contexts can help you find out the answer. TV is really a fabulous fix-it-up -Very young children interact with the screen. They see the characters as real and they talk to them and can learn from them. - Lack of real communication is the result of human improper TV use, not the TV itself.
Parents have to teach their children media awareness
* - Recognize how media messages influence and manipulate us. * Think critically about media messages—to uncover hidden messages and values. * Interpret media messages in ways that do not damage their self-esteem. * Theres a lot of false information in the internet * - kids need to develop thinking skills to judge the accuracy of information on the internet * - internet can manipulate * Ponography / spam/ cyber bullying/ gambling are dangers that kids need to be aware of * Need to learn about privacy invasion and so that they wont give too much information about themselves in the internet -> internet ocan * People can pretend to be someone they are not, mostly old mean use the internet to create a fake account on social networks and pretend to be someone they are not * Abuse * We never know who we are talking to on the internet * You can easly get addicted to the internet and lose social contacs ( face to face) * *
-Contra: Children need to learn by themselves how to use the internet * If eltern forbid children to use several sides , it makes the children even more want to use them
We could easily do without the internet
* ,instead of spending hours upon hours facebook stalking, we would be playing outside or hanging out with kids from their neighborhoods. Also, in college, instead of sitting in their dorm rooms instant messaging, we were forced to make an effort to meet people face to face and make friends that way. If we hadn’t been exposed to it in the first place, we could easily get along without it. * Life would be simpler, and less in a rush. There wouldn’t be that concern about what is happening on Facebook, or what is the newest FML, or the addictions of StumbleUpon and Wordle. There would be more time to spend with actual people, rather than cyber people. Human interaction is somewhat lost because of the internet. And that is a sad toll we had to pay. By no means am I not an internet enthusiast because of the vast amount of knowledge and power it provides society. * There are other ways we can look for information such as encyclopedia or yellow pages * The gernerations before us were able to do so , so we can do it too * We have other ways to communicate such as phones * the lack of Internet allow to "live the moment" because we aren’t distracted with tweeting and posting on Facebook or analyzing the situation. This, strengthens real face-to-face connections between people. * Read a book, then go out to the movies. Take a nap. Watch the rain fall outside. Write. Play a sport. There are plenty of alternatives to being online that can occupy your time and make you forget about the internet. Contra: * Life without Internet would not be the same. Our whole generation is dependent on it. Now a days we use internet for everything including: social networking, professional networking, and to find out information around the country. The internet has become our dominant source of media. Schools, Businesses, and even the U.S Government use the internet for easy access. It is just a convenient and efficient way to allocate things and spread the word around immediately. * You cannot get any information fast, no way to blog and read others blog, no information on what is the latest news in online’s particular field of interest, not able to meet online friends and so on * . No buying online. No stock trades. No just-in-time industrial shipping. No real-time tracking of diseases. It's gotten so that not just the entire Internet but individual websites such as Google are considered critical infrastructure, * * We learned to be dependent on the internet * The internet is sometimes the only way to stay in touch with some people * We have grown up always having it so I don’t know what we would do without it. We wouldn’t have access to schoolwork, social lives or the news for us. Even our cell phones now allow us access to the internet. It would be like saying what would our lives be like without cell phones. We can’t even imagine that because we have always had it. We have been spoiled with it all and therefore can’t imagine life without it
The American dream is to be better off than you are
* The American dream has different meaning, its about materialism that means private ownership, its about freedom, opportunities, protection under the law, equality , fulfilling the own potential to the max * It cant really be defined since it’s a complex combination of differend and ideas The American Dream: For whites only Pro:
Diving- a way to show people the beauty of coral reefs
* Diving can show ppl the beauty of t he nature and make them be aware of it so they will try their best to keep it alive Contra: * Places such as the platform on the great barrier reef destroy the nature * Tourists take corals with them * Fish die * A lot of boats water pollution *
Coneveniece has become more important than environmental protection pro: -many people buy SUVs or other huge, convenient cars, which pollute the air and destroy our atmosphere - products, for example food in supermarkets, is much cheaper being imported from countries far away than being produced eco-friendly and in the country they are sold - most people still prefer their car to public services or using a bike contra: - many biological or eco-friendly products are sold in shops, sometimes shops for only such products or woth a certain philosophy - some people even decide to become a vegetarian in favour of protecting our atmosphere, since mass production of meat causes high climate gas exhausts - development of eco-friendly cars, powered by electricity or hydrogen When you come from a place where people are looking for their next meal , you might not care what is going to happen to the environment in 50 years Pro: they don’t really care about other problems cuz their only problem is to find enough food so they wont starve
Graffiti make towns look better
Pro : Gray citry walls might look nicer : for example in our school there are paintigs * Graffit conveys meaning such as any other art since the artist shows criticism , his point of view * Art is always a form of theraphy it’s a way to keep young ppl from from the streets and keep them from committing much worse crimes
Contrast : * Its ugly and offensive , * Use of bad words * Is illegal * Don’t have permission to spray there since the wall isn’t our property * Dangerous : accidents in spraying tunnels Music by performers like MC hammer or ‘’Marilyn Manson is a danger to youths and must therefore censored rather strictly Pro * : lyrics contain violence , makes ppl commit suicide * Has influence on young ppls behavior * His looks are offensive -> people are afraid * Label on the CD Cover
* Freedom of speech and expression * Music can be therapy , * You cant keep an artist from expressin himself, * The one who sings it usually doesn’t kill peopl * Parents are responsile what children listen to -> have to teach them media awareness * State doesn’t have the right to label music
Tastes differ and the consumer decides what art really is
* Contra: There are many different kinds of arts therefore its not easy to really decide what art is * Especially if its about abstract art it cant really be determined what is abstract art and what not * *
Marla Olmstead – a child prodigy?
-shes better than a lot of adults
- it’s the market that decides , if someone is willing to pay 25000 dollars its worth it Contra: It cant really be quantified since everything can be abstract art and if you for example want to compare two people who play an instrument you can easy compare them and say who is better but not with abstract art * Somebody else can help her with her works Technical skills is what makes an artist
* artist need to have technical skills since it refers to painting , drawing or sculpture Contra: There are way more things that make an artist such as a) skills and creative imagination b) performing arts aren’t about technicalskills they are about dance, music and film c) an actor doesn’t need have technical scills
Picasso owned a “Congo” so the paintings must be considered as art * *
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