Table of Contents Introduction 2 Gender role stereotyping in advertising 2 Examples of stereotyping in gender 3 Future development of stereotyping in advertising: 5 Reference list: 6
This essay will discuss the use of stereotyping in advertising. Stereotyping in advertising is defined as a representation of a cultural group that emphasises an attribute or a class of people as they have a certain way of doing things, which may or may not accurately reflect reality (e.g. blondes are senseless, Italians are attractive). Stereotyping sometimes can be viewed as an advantage, for example, how athletes are fit, this type of stereotyping encourages society, creating an understood symbolic meaning. Stereotyping can also be seen as a disadvantage, as a characteristic can be viewed as a negative, which creates a misrepresentation of a specific group or trait. (Moriarty & Mitchell, 2011). Studies have said that the general problem with material that is stereotyped is usually just assumed about something such as ethnic and racial groups. These assumptions and beliefs have created a split between cognitive psychology and the stereotyping literature, suggesting a contract that may not be able to be justified (Shelley E. Taylor, 1978). There are many ways in which stereotyping in advertising is used and is written about, but this essay will focus one just one area of stereotyping in advertising which is how people get socialized to the role of gender stereotyping in advertising.
Gender role stereotyping in advertising
One of the most common negative stereotyping in advertising issues which are highly focused on these days in the society is the roles of gender. Television advertisements have the greatest impact on influencing gender identity in the form of having woman and men played as characters in commercials (Moriarty & Mitchell, 2011).The most common concern