Advice From a 90 Year-old
Advice from anyone, including this 90 year old, might not always be sugar coated. It’s not always easy to understand either, but it is meaningful and in this case especially, wise.
Number eight: “It’s ok to get angry”. I drew meaning from this because there have been a few situations that I have been in, seen online or witnessed that are perfect examples of reasons this advice should be given. If someone is getting picked on, teased, or even annoyed, it shouldn’t be a big shock when they get angry about it. And when the antagonist says something like “chill” it’s annoying because, well, what’d they think was going to happen?
Number 26: “Frame every so-called disaster with the phrase ‘in five years, will this really matter?’” This one I thought was a great piece of advice ESPECIALLY for kids in middle school. There is so much drama I can’t stand it. And 99.9% WON’T matter in five years and in fact will blow over in about a week or less. If people made less big a deal about little stuff that doesn’t really matter, I think everyone’s life would be a lot easier.
Number 41: “Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.” This is going to sound really cheesy and cliché, especially since I’m a middle school kid, who are some of the most jealous and materialistic people I’ve ever experienced, BUT from the point of view of a 90 year-old who’s been through all the envy already and has realized its worthless, all you really need is a loving family, food, and a roof over your head.
I don’t know if I really understand the true meaning of this advice, if I totally nailed it, or if I’ve barely scratched the surface, but it had meaning to me and it will definitely give me a different outlook on things.