Women of domestic violence need an advocate that well help them get back on their feet. Women of domestic violence face a difficult decision by leaving their significant others to start a new life on their own. Most shelters will take in a woman of domestic violence and her children so she can get on her feet. These shelters provide temporary living situations, they help these women find a job, and they provide counseling for the mother and her children.
There are some issues that can arise when you are advocating for women of domestic violence. Sometimes women may go to a shelter and in a few days later they will return back home where the abuse is taking place. When this happens it is hard for someone to advocate or help you because it seems as if you do not want to help yourself. Sometimes as a human services worker you are trying to get help from other sources but if the person you are trying to help does not corporate then your source may not want to help.
As an advocate for women with of domestic violence I would do everything that I could to make sure that my client is doing ok. I would make sure that I found my client and her children temporary housing so they can get back on their feet. If my client needed skills to obtain employment I would advocate to make sure that they are in a program to give them the skills that they need. Lastly, I would make sure that my client and her family could get the medical care that they need. There are many government assistance programs that