By Virgil
Written 19 B.C.E
Translated by John Dryden
Jazymn Talley
Analysis The intention of Virgil 's poem, Aeneid, is to romanticize the origins of the Roman Empire. Aeneid shares many characteristic to Grecian writer Homer 's Epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. Much of Roman culture is modeled after or inspired by the Greeks, especially the arts. Roman art, writings, religion, and celebrations were on the rise as they experienced a time of rest, enabling them to develop a rich, eclectic culture. The Roman nation 's origins are very pedestrian in comparison to Virgil 's poem. The Romans were governed by the Etruscan nation between 750 BC and 250 BC (Time Maps, 2012). The Etruscan governing and belief system is the foundation of Roman society but they differ slightly. The Etruscan government began as a monarchy but eventually switched into a oligarchy-democracy. During the reign of the Etruscan monarchy, women or a Queen could declare a Kings ruler-ship. In the Etruscan society there was a balance of power between men and women. Romans and Greeks living in Southern Italy deplored this notion of equality of the sexes. Early Rome and Etruria were influenced by the Greeks colonizing Sicily and southern Italy. The Greeks had set the standards for culture, trading and governing. As Etruscan rule declined, the Roman peoples influence began to increase, as well as the occurrences of war. Virgil 's poem conveys that the Roman nation was destined by the Gods to become a powerful empire (Kishlansky, Geary, O 'Brien, 2008). " haughty Juno 's unrelenting hate, Expell 'd and exil 'd, left the Trojan shore. Long labors, both by sea and land, he bore, And in the doubtful war, before he won The Latian realm, and built the destin 'd town.. (Virgil, 19 B.C.E) " The poem does convey that Rome has been through a lot of strife but their story is not their own. With the Gods guiding them, the Trojan warriors sought a resting place after