During exercise, your muscles demand more oxygen-rich blood and give off more carbon dioxide and other waste products. In conclusion, your heart has to basically beat faster to keep up. Adaptations within the physiological systems occur until the tissues are no longer overloaded. For one to improve aerobic endurance performance the training programs must be designed to enhance the function of respiratory, …show more content…
The athlete should select activities that mimic as closely as possible the movement pattern employed in competition and this causes positive adaptations in the specific physiological systems of the body. An example would be the recruitment of specific muscle fibers and the adaptation of the energy systems within those fibers must be challenged during aerobic endurance training.
Training Frequency refers to the number of training sessions conducted per day or per week. The frequency of training sessions depends on an cooperation of exercise intensity and duration, the training status of the Athlete, and the specific sport season. Higher exercise intensity levels and longer duration may help constrain less frequent training to allow sufficient recovery from exercise sessions. The training status of an Athlete can influence training frequency, with lesser trained athletes requiring more recovery days at the beginning of a training period than more highly trained …show more content…
For a resistance training program, a common time period is one week. When actually determining the training frequency , the strength and conditioning professional should consider the athletes training status, sport season,types of exercises and other training activities.
Exercise Order - A sequence of resistance exercise performed during one training session. Although there are many ways to arrange exercises, decisions are based on how one exercise affects the quality of effort or the technique of another exercise.
Training load and Repetitions - Load usually refers to the amount of weight assigned to an exercise set and is often characterized as the most crucial aspect of a resistance training program. The number of times can be performed is related to the load lifted now that is what we call repetitions and the heavier the load, the lower the number of repetitions that can be performed.
Volume - The total amount of weight lifted in a training session and a set is a group of repetitions performed before the client stops to rest and Repetition volume is the total number of reps performed during a workout