Daniela Chavez-Guevara, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199.Background/Specific Aim: Racecar aerodynamic analysis is one of the most important factors in the development of a racecar's external shaping and performance because a well-engineered aerodynamic design will allow the racecar to complete lower laptimes when racing. This analysis is based on the airflow behavior along the vehicle's external shaping and the effects of aerodynamic drag and downforce on the vehicle's maneuvering and racing performance. Being the main goal to obtain lower drag in order to achieve higher speeds and more downforce in order to improve grip. In this paper an aerodynamic analysis is done in order to validate the current aerodynamic design of the FSAE (Formula SAE) racecar and to determine whether the former design will allow the car to be competitive enough to qualify within the top fifty at the annual FSAE competition. Methods: Wind tunnel and full-scale aerodynamic tests are performed in order to show whether the current FSAE aerodynamic design will allow the car to have a competitive performance or if changes need to be made to improve it. The interpretation of the results of the mentioned tests will show the airflow behavior along the external shape of the racecar and the values of the aerodynamic drag and downforce at different positions on the body of the car and at different airflow speeds. Computer oriented simulations are also performed in order to support experimental data. Results: Complete results haven't been calculated as of yet but based on computer simulations it is expected to obtain an aerodynamic design that gives a downforce within a range of 40lbs and 50lbs at airflow’s speed of 45mph with drag and lift coefficients of 0.2 and 0.813 respectively. The obtained aerodynamic drag should allow the car to cover a distance of 75
Daniela Chavez-Guevara, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, Florida 33199.Background/Specific Aim: Racecar aerodynamic analysis is one of the most important factors in the development of a racecar's external shaping and performance because a well-engineered aerodynamic design will allow the racecar to complete lower laptimes when racing. This analysis is based on the airflow behavior along the vehicle's external shaping and the effects of aerodynamic drag and downforce on the vehicle's maneuvering and racing performance. Being the main goal to obtain lower drag in order to achieve higher speeds and more downforce in order to improve grip. In this paper an aerodynamic analysis is done in order to validate the current aerodynamic design of the FSAE (Formula SAE) racecar and to determine whether the former design will allow the car to be competitive enough to qualify within the top fifty at the annual FSAE competition. Methods: Wind tunnel and full-scale aerodynamic tests are performed in order to show whether the current FSAE aerodynamic design will allow the car to have a competitive performance or if changes need to be made to improve it. The interpretation of the results of the mentioned tests will show the airflow behavior along the external shape of the racecar and the values of the aerodynamic drag and downforce at different positions on the body of the car and at different airflow speeds. Computer oriented simulations are also performed in order to support experimental data. Results: Complete results haven't been calculated as of yet but based on computer simulations it is expected to obtain an aerodynamic design that gives a downforce within a range of 40lbs and 50lbs at airflow’s speed of 45mph with drag and lift coefficients of 0.2 and 0.813 respectively. The obtained aerodynamic drag should allow the car to cover a distance of 75