More importantly, what makes a person “evil?” Is it simply because psychopaths experience a different form of empathy than their normal counterparts? In fact, the innate ability to understand another’s feelings by imagining himself in that person’s same situation is what sets empathy apart from sympathy (Kim and Kim, “Empathy”). However, empathy is further divided into two subsections: affective and cognitive empathy. Affective empathy refers when someone can actually feel the same emotional response as that person (Kim and Kim, “Empathy”). Cognitive empathy, on the other hand, refers to one’s ability …show more content…
It is a reaction chiefly associated with one’s amygdala (388). In fact, Bob Hare conducted a study, in which he measured the startle reflex reaction of psychopathic and “normal” individuals from prisons (Ronson 94). The participants were shown grotesque images, such as pictures from crime scenes (94). Hare would randomly blast an extremely loud noise in the volunteer’s ear (94). The normal ones would jump, as they were exercising their startle response (94). However, the psychopaths reacted calmly, because they were too fixated on the photographs presented to them …show more content…
In a world of ambiguous definitions and inaccurate diagnoses, it is necessary to discuss some of the external factors that shape a psychopath. In an attempt to further understand their behaviors, one must first learn how they have become the type of person they are today. What influences, if any, mold someone into a psychopath? How, and when, do these stimuli impact them? If they are out of their control, does this necessarily justify their actions? These are the types of questions that must be answered before one can make some hasty generalization about psychopaths.
V. External Factors That Shape a Psychopath
A. Ratio of male to female psychopaths and the common gender of psychopaths
a. Male is more common, but it is relatively unknown as to why this is. Is it because males are generally seen as detached and inexpressive because they might feel emasculated when they show emotions?
B. Genetics and hereditary factors
C. Environmental influences
VI. Criminalization and Controversy
A. Percentage of psychopaths that end up committing