Edward Achorn’s “The Summer of Beer and Whiskey” highlights the obvious difference between the game of baseball during the late 19th century and not only the sport, but the massive industry, that we know as Major League Baseball today in the 21st. However, through certain featured people and similar business models, the book outlines how the innovators of the sport turned a sport on the decline into the great American pastime. Achorn tells readers that the transformation came from elements beyond the diamond, and relied heavily on the spectator aspect of the game. The year is 1880, and baseball, once a thriving and popular new sport on a meteoric fast track to prominence during the Civil War, was on a heavy waning run. Popularity was decreasing, and many thought that it was just a flash in the pan of American sporting culture.…
Faculty speaker Dr. Demetrius Pearson talked about the shock or excitement of Brooklyn and its socio-cultural ways due to the acts and life of legendary baseball player Jackie Robinson. The researched that was introduced to the audience was mainly garnered from books, special collections, as well as interviews from people first-hand. To start off, the past setting that was the Borough of Brooklyn was a fairly diverse melting pot with all types of races and ethnics that some say made the transition of a black male to enter an all-white league less difficult. The cross Robinson did not only affected the team and more importantly Brooklyn, but also provided a gateway for other African-Americans to seek out greater opportunities in bigger leagues. Dr. Pearson describe Robinson as having characteristics that resembled Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King, and even President Barack Obama, easily seen by his peaceful and non-conflictive behavior while being a nontraditional leader challenging the status quo of that era.…
Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play Major League Baseball. He was drafted in 1947 by Branch Rickey, the GM of the former Brooklyn Dodgers. This essay is about Jackie Robinson and how the civil rights movement affected him during the 1940s.…
Jackie Robinson was the first African American baseball player in the Major Leagues. Many other black legends came before him but all were confined to the Negro Leagues due to racial segregation. Jackie 'broke the color barrier' that existed in American professional sports before him. The racism and hatred did not end as soon as Jackie appeared in the pros. Jackie withstood many years of racial abuse. He often was not allowed in team hotels, restaurants, airplanes, and other public places that his team frequented. Other teams and fans harrassed him constantly on and off the field trying to get him to snap and lash out at the racial abusers. But he held his tongue and used his incredible athletic abilities on the field to prove his point, that he deserved to be on those fields just as much as anyone else. Jackie admitted later in his life that the hardest thing he ever had to do was keep his anger in check when the racial slurs turned toward his wife and kids. He said that he could withstand the abuse about him and his race, but when his family was attacked it took all his strength to hold back and not "pop them right in the nose". It took months for even Jackie's own teammates to accept him and even longer for opposing players. However, after a long and hard rookie year, Major League Baseball recognized Jackie efforts by awarding him the prestigious Rookie of the Year award. Of course, Jackie earned every vote for the award, hitting .338 with 10 home runs and 54 stolen bases including 2 steals of home. He also had the most hit by pitches, an astounding 74! That…
Jackie Robinson was the first African-American Major League Baseball player. He broke through the racial barrier in professional sports and led the way for other African-American athletes. He was a great in the baseball community but that is not the main focus of this essay. This is more about the impact he had on African-American athletes, professional sports, and everyday people.…
Jackie Robinson, the best baseball player in the 20th century, was the first African American to play in the Major League Baseball and opened up the generation for colored people to play baseball. Because of what Jackie went through, today the 1946 Royals are regarded as one of the greatest teams in the history of minor league baseball (Sharon 34). He courageously changed and challenged the deeply rooted custom of racial segregation in both the north and the south. Jackie Robinson’s life and legacy will be remembered as one of the most important in American history (Jackie Robinson official…
In 1947, the president of the Brooklyn Dodgers found Robinson and asked him to join the team. Robinson accepted the opportunity, with the knowledge that being the first African American player in the Major Leagues in many years, he would face many challenges. Many had strong beliefs about segregation and what the status differences between African Americans and Caucasians entailed. Robinson knew all of this, and the road that he would have to endure. He was using his involvement in baseball to make America more aware of the racist situation in the country. He would later be called a “Revolutionist in a Baseball Suit.” With Jackie Robinson joining the sport that so many Americans followed and enjoyed, history was in the…
In this era, it was time for blacks to make a statement on the baseball field. Blacks helped American win World War II. The Yankees were winning year after year after year and the largest source of un-scouted baseball talent were in the Negro Leagues, When Rickey brought Robinson into his office in 1945, he had to see whether Robinson could stand up to the taunts, pressure and death threats that would come. What it seemed that veteran Negro players respected Jackie both as a ball player and as an individual, admiring the courage he showed in difficult racial situations. Jackie Robinson was one of the most intensely competitive human beings imaginable, and he proved it over his 10 year career. In the 1950s and '60s players such as outfielders Willie Mays and Hank Aaron (who set the all-time career home-run record) and pitcher Bob Gibson posted statistics that ranked them among the best ever to play the…
Baseball reflects the value of the American society and how it behaves; the country acts as a team, but there are some moments where you can shine by yourself and your heroism. As mentioned early, the Civil War played an extravagant role in the creation and development of the sport. In the beginning, soldiers fighting were the ones who majorly played a game in which they got together in a sandlot and started hitting cricket balls. Undoubted, baseball has become an issue of national interest by American citizens.…
Now everyone is getting used to seeing African Americans playing sports with white people so racism is a lot lower. Just about every home is now a fan of the Major League Baseball because of the newfound respect towards African Americans. The daily lives of Americans have been dramastically changed due to African Americans being able to play sports (baseball) with white men. As Major League Baseball grew, so did the profits. One owner said “The event would become a high-class social affair that attracted sellout crowds and celebrities like Joe Louis and Lena Horne”(Nelson 3). This quote proves that many people want to come and watch the baseball games in person. Another thing is it boosted the U.S economy because sports started making more money and that’s a good thing. During the 1920’s there are a lot of new “hip” things like automobiles, radios and fashion but the biggest hit was Major League Baseball. It literally changed how more than half of the United States would spend their money and free time. For various reasons it boosted the daily happiness of Americans. Baseball was so important Franklin D. Roosevelt asked “Baseball owners to work to keep baseball alive as a way to help the nation’s morale stay strong”(Leonard 7). This quote shows how the president knew baseball was a major role in the daily lives of…
It is a sport known worldwide, beginning in North America around 1869. Baseball is played professional, college, and simply in the backyard. It is a sport loved by many, and watched everyday on TV. It is considered America’s pastime, but it is always well known all around the world. Baseball originated from Romania. Baseball is considered to be a sport between two teams of nine players each. A “major sport” is in today’s world what it would be called.…
For well over a century, baseball has been hailed as America’s National Past Time. Baseball is uniquely American. In the 1989 baseball film, Field of Dreams, one of the main characters remarks on the importance of baseball for America. “Baseball,” he says, is “the one constant through all the years.” Baseball connects Americans to their past. “This field, this game,” he continues, “reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again.” This week, the tradition of Opening Day ushered in the 2015 baseball season—the 146th season of professional baseball in America.…
Baseball is an integral part of American pop culture. Many Americans grow up with baseball, playing it before they can even count all the bases. It is glorified, taught, and fed to us. When we play baseball, we find a respect for the game. The respect we gain from playing it has turned the game into a tradition of American culture. It has formed itself into the business of professional baseball, namely major league baseball. Professional players have become recognized all over the world. They are sought out and admired by fans. Because of their popularity, these players have written books, endorsed commercial products, and found successful and rewarding careers by playing a game. According to Wallup, author of Baseball: An Informal History, baseball has been apart of our culture since the mid to late nineteenth century(Wallup, p16). Our great grandparents, grandparents, and parents have been brought up with it and our parents teach the sport to us.…
He told me that over his five high school years at American Heritage the attendance for the games rose every year. “Last year every game was nearly packed, when I was a Freshman it was usually almost empty but over the years we got supporters and even the students started to come out and show their support for us.” He then went on to compare it to football games and basketball games. “You know our school heavily favored the football team and obviously more people would go to their games because they’re on Friday, but we had more fans than basketball and the field was usually full with either our fans or our opponent’s fans.” Villar is now one of the best freshman players at the University of South Florida and he says that he is ready for the new fans that await him. “I know that college games are insane, they’re all filled with fans and most people say they’re a whole lot of fun.” I then went on to talk to him about the negative assumption that many people have about baseball and he did admit that the game can get tedious at times but he also knows that there are fans that appreciate the slow nature of the game and the skill that every position requires. “In baseball every player has a purpose, and it’s a skill based sport, in other sports it’s either based on athleticism or just strength but not in baseball. Every player needs to be great at what they do and when you add…
The Negro Leagues were one of the most important and influential movements to happen in baseball history. Without these ‘Invisible Men’, who knows where baseball’s racial standpoint with not only African American’s, but others such as Cuban, Dominican, and South American players, would be in the Major Leagues. Throughout the book, one pressing theme stays from beginning to end: Segregation.…